Page 54 of Cease and Desist

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“Well,” Gage continued, “secrecy is one of the mainstays of the society. From what we’ve gathered, I would bet there are serious consequences for anyone who talks about it. So, to pull out a gun at a major social function in New York City would be like turning a spotlight on it. Whoever did that would never be allowed to join. That’s all supposition, but it fits with what we’ve learned so far.”

Hawk nodded. “Gage is right. Secrecy is the key—if you’ll pardon the pun—to the society. Doing something that brings it into the public eye is likely to be a death knell for whoever does it. Doing an exchange at the event makes the most sense. Even if you decide to join the society, doing it at the event will be the smartest way.”

“Why not just go back to the shop and go down the stairs if I want to join the society?” Remy speculated. “It’s my shop. I can just go down the stairs and bang on the door, show them the key, and be admitted.”

“Not to scare you,” Mitch started, “but chances are good you would be dead before you hit the sidewalk in front of your shop. Or any other Lock and Key Society location in New York City. At this point, they all must be under surveillance. Anyone who wants the key is just waiting for you to show up at a site so they can steal it from you. Hawk’s right; killing you would be the most expedient method of making sure you’re no longer a threat.”

Remy made no sound. She slowly picked up her mug of tea. Her hand shook slightly. Hawk’s gut twisted. He wanted to tell her they could run away together and he would keep her safe. It wasn’t logical. Hell, it wasn’t even doable, but she looked so vulnerable, so lost in the big chair, that he’d promise her the moon to make her feel better.

“So regardless,” she said, “we’re going to have to find a way into that party.”

“I guess so,” Hawk agreed.

“Well…” She looked up at him. “I’m going to need a party dress. You’ll probably need a tux.” She turned to the brothers. “Any chance you all could attend?”

Mitch grinned. “Oh, I think that can be arranged.” He turned to his brother. “Right, Logan?”

Logan shrugged. “I’ll make some calls.”

“Until then,” Gage said as he stood, “I think you’ve made the right choice to stay here. We have a lot of security features in place. We can lock this building down and make it a fortress. You should be safe here until you have to leave for the party. We can start on those plans later today.”

“You good with that?” Hawk asked.

She nodded, but his gut told him something was off. There was something she wasn’t saying, something that she wasn’t sharing. He didn’t like it. Not one bit.

“Remy, maybe we can chat for a second,” he said.

She gave him a slight smile but stood. “I think if it’s okay with you, I’ll go lie down in one of the bedrooms.”

“Sure,” Logan said. “Let me show you the way.”

Hawk watched her walk out of the room with Logan. He understood her need for some peace and quiet. She’d just been told that one of the fundamentals of her entire life was a lie. It was going to take some adjusting but his senses were in overdrive, warning him that things weren’t neutral. There was danger in the offing, more than the party tomorrow night. Closer than that. He didn’t like that he couldn’t see Remy. He wanted his gaze on her at all times. That was truly the only way he’d believe that she was safe. He needed to see it with his own two eyes.

“Hawk,” Mitch said, “come on over here for a second.” He and Gage stood next to the bar. Hawk walked over and stood next to Mitch, who said, “We’re going to need to get you some firepower. And a tux.” Mitch grinned. “Firepower is easy. The tux might be more complicated. Why don’t you tell me what you like in both, and we’ll get started.”

Hawk listened with half an ear as the brothers discussed which guns might be the easiest to bring into the event. His mind was stuck on Remy. His gut was telling him to storm the bedroom and see what the hell was going on. But was that because something was up or because he didn’t like to see her in such turmoil? Was he reacting to unseen danger or was he reacting to seeing her suffering? Fuck if he could figure it out.


Remy sat on the bed but knew she couldn’t stay there. She couldn’t breathe. Suddenly she was claustrophobic and craving wide open spaces. Hadn’t Logan said there was a rooftop garden? Surely that would be safe enough. It didn’t matter. She needed to be outside on her own. All of the pitying looks she was getting from Lacy and others were just too much to bear.

Anxiety riddled Remy as she tiptoed down the hallway to the staircase. God, her life was a mess…everything she’d believed about her family was false, she was falling for a man she had no business falling for, she was relying on the kindness of people whom, except for Lacy, were essentially strangers.

Holding her breath, she quietly climbed to the roof. She figured that chances were good, once she opened the door, they would know she was up there but she didn’t care. She just needed to breathe.

She pushed open the door and stepped outside. The cold air stole the breath from her lungs. She’d forgotten how frigid it was outside. Her coat was downstairs and she wasn’t going back for it.

There was outdoor furniture in the corner of the roof set on top of some turf. There were sofas, chairs, and tables. She bet it was really attractive in summer, with plants around and twinkling fairy lights. It would be lovely.

But the flowers were all dead this deep in winter, and the beds empty. That’s exactly what she felt like. Empty.

She moved to stand in the corner by the furniture and look over the roof tops. Pulling the handkerchief from her pocket, she pressed it against her cheeks and almost broke down. Gunnar’s revelations had been wrenching, and she felt as if she was losing her parents all over again. Her whole world had shifted and she couldn’t seem to figure out which way was up. Crushing the cloth in her hand, she rubbed her arms. The cold was seeping into her bones, but her heart was already icy.

Remy let out a long sigh and became aware of a sound behind her. They found her already. “I know I shouldn’t be up here but—”

“You’re right. You shouldn’t be up here,” a heavily accented voice said.

She whirled around but it was too late, a man wearing a large khaki-colored parka appeared in front of her. He was tall and vaguely familiar. She reared back tried to scream, but the man clamped a hand over her mouth and spun her around. He held her against him, one hand over her mouth and his arm squeezing her neck.

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