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Maybe he’s right. After Amber, I moved on by diving deep into the dating pool and casting myrodevery chance I got. But I don’t want to go home with just anyone, not anymore. On the other hand, if I don’t approach this fish at the bar, Jake may get suspicious. He may start putting clues together and realize I haven’t leveled with him about Kiera. Iwilltell him. I know I’ve got to—and soon. I’m just not up to it tonight.

After another glance down the bar, I sigh. Maybe she’ll be nice to talk to, and I can ease into spending the night with her. What do I have to lose by striking up a conversation? Hell, maybe getting back into regular patterns and habits will take my mind off Kiera.

I rise and head toward the lone woman, still engrossed in her phone.Here goes nothing.

“Is this seat taken?” I indicate the stool next to her.

She turns, then scans me up and down. She must like what she sees because a smile breaks out across her face. “Not at all.”

She’s receptive, even a little flirty. Good. Maybe this won’t be so bad if I just play along.

I sit and manufacture a smile. “Why is a pretty thing like you sitting by herself on a Friday night?”

“I was waiting for someone, but I’m not sure he matters. You’re a much better alternative.”

“Am I? I’m flattered.”

“I’m Cassie.”

“Jonathan.” We shake hands. “It’s nice to meet you, Cassie. Can I buy you a drink?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

I motion to Ian that Cassie’s next drink is on me. Then I draw a blank. I need to say something, but I’m out of words. Normally, I’d tell a girl she looks hot and chat her up until I get her horizontal. Charm and BS flows along with the booze in a place like this. But despite Cassie’s cleavage, I’m not in the mood. And I don’t really want to be here.

“So…are you from around here?”

“Fort Worth, yeah. But I moved to Mid-Cities to be closer to my job.”

Safe answer, but not much for me to grasp onto conversationally. “I grew up in North Dallas. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a model.”

Given her looks, I’m not surprised. I’m also not impressed. I hate to stereotype, but I’ve met people like her. I’ve spent the night with more than a few, too. There’s often a reason they pose for a living, rather than talk. I used to be on board with their shallow conversations. They never wanted meaningful interactions before or after we fucked, and that was totally fine. Now, trying to pretend interest in the superficial feels exhausting. Weirdly, I want…more. More substance. More meaning. More that’s real.

“You must meet a lot of interesting people.” I try my best to sound like I give a shit.

She rolls her eyes. “After a while, they all seem the same, but the clothes… Honey, nothing is more exciting than a designer who knows his stuff. It’s like being on a perpetual shopping spree.” She sighs. “Unfortunately, I don’t get to keep the clothes. I’d need a sugar daddy for that. Interested?”

Just like that, this conversation is over.

Cassie literally couldn’t have said anything to turn me off faster. In fact, I just need to get out of here. Tonight isn’t happening. I’ll regroup and try another night.

When I shove my hand into my pocket to grab my wallet and pay the tab, I feel my phone vibrate. Who the hell is calling me this late on a Friday night? It shouldn’t be business. Jake is with me. Nathan and Mia should be out there, getting their weekend on. My mother knows better. My father…don’t get me started. He’s an asshole but unlikely to call me.

When I glance at the screen, Kiera’s name appears.

It’s cliché, but my heart skips a beat. My head starts racing. Why is she calling? To tell me she’s already found someone to nail because I stupidly taught her how? Is she ringing me to rub her newfound sex life in my face?

Though I’ll probably regret it, I turn for the exit to find some quiet and press the screen to answer her call. “What?”

Cassie wraps her fingers around my arm and pulls me back, her long nails digging into my biceps. “Jonathan, baby, don’t leave. Aren’t you going to take me to your place?”

Is she kidding? I bought her one drink and half listened to her for two minutes, and she’s ready to fuck? The old me would have celebrated. Tonight, I jerk from her grasp and keep heading for the door. “Give me just a minute.”

I can’t think of a nicer way of telling Cassie it will be forever before she sees me again—literally.

As I push out into the night air, reality hits me. I used to love prowling for a gorgeous woman and charming her into bed. It was a game, and I was damn good at it. Now, the only woman I want is one I can’t have. My sudden disinterest in everything I used to do as a bona fide bachelor? It’s all Kiera’s fault. She’s ruined me. I hate that I’ve become such a sap.

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