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I send her a reproachful stare. “Bullshit. Your email said otherwise. Open and honest communication. Remember?”

“It…sucks,” she admits hanging her head.

I suspected as much. Why have so many guys overlooked this beautiful woman? Yes, she’s shy, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t approachable.

“Are you a virgin?” I have to ask.


If she doesn’t engage in hookup culture, then chances are she’s only slept with guys she was dating. The last time she dated someone long term will likely tell me the last time she had sex.

“How long has it been?”

“College. Three years ago.”

“And he’s the last guy you were sexually active with?”


Wow. I can’t fathom going three years without sex. Kiera’s vibrator must get one hell of a workout.

“Why did you breakup?”

“I realized a few months in that he liked sex more than he liked me. When I told him no one night, he got pissed, called me a prude, and dumped me.”

What a dumbass.

“Were the times you had sex enjoyable for you?”

She frowns. “Enjoyable?”

Is she really that naïve? “Did you orgasm?”

“I don’t think that’s super important.” She stiffens.

“In my book, it’s the only thing that’s important.”

She sits in silence for a few long moments. If it’s taking her this long to come up with a reply, the answer is probably a no.

“I think so.”

I try not to scoff. “If you’re not sure, you didn’t.”

She remains silent and looks away.

Trying to grapple with what she’s inadvertently telling me, I keep pressing for information—and trying to stifle the urge to be the first man to give her true pleasure. “How much sex, if any, did you have before the guy in college?”

Kiera shifts uncomfortably. “Do we need to be this honest?”

“It’s important for me to understand your sexual experience so there’s no misunderstanding and no one gets hurt.”

“I did it a handful of times in high school,” she mumbles. “That’s it.”

I give her an incredulous stare. “So what’s your number? Approximately?”

She scoffs. “I don’t have to approximate. Two.”

There’s a long moment of silence between us as I stare at her with wide eyes. “Wait, you’re telling me you’ve only had sex with two men in your entire life?”

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