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“Yes, Chad in high school and Brian in college. That’s it. Why are you looking at me like it’s a big deal?”

Because it’s a huge fucking deal.

“And neither of them ever made you orgasm?”

Distraught, she looks away. “You must think I’m some kind of freak.”

“That’s not what I think at all. Pleasure goes both ways. It’s not your fault if the guys you were with didn’t take the time to give you pleasure.”

The stare she turns back on me looks stunned. “You think it’s them and not me?”

“I know it’s them.”

Every woman should enjoy sex, and it’s on her partner to make sure that happens. Now I’m more determined than ever to give her not just the best sex she’s ever had, but pleasure that blows her mind.

“Jonathan, is that you?”

I glance over my shoulder to see a tall, slender woman standing just beside me, her short black hair styled with a hint of sassy that matches her brightly colored sunglasses. Her business attire says anything but basic black, thanks to hot pink pumps.

“Maya Thompson?”

She smiles. “OMG, how are you?”

“I’m doing well. And yourself?” I smile back, both at her and serendipity. For two years, I’ve worried my opportunity to make a meaningful professional connection with her was over, and now she’s standing right in front of me. The last time I saw her, I felt as if I had it all—until my world collapsed under me. How is it that she’s here and seemingly happy to see me now?

“Rather well, thank you. And I thought I was the only one who came here.”

“This is my first time.”

“Really? You’re in for a treat. The food is so good, it’ll knock your socks off.”

“Looking forward to it.”

“I’m actually glad I ran into you. It’s been a while since we last talked. I’m sorry about your split with Amber.”

“It was for the best.”

Somewhere in my train of thought, I remember who I’m with and look over to Kiera. Confusion and curiosity lurk all over her face.

“I’m glad you have a positive outlook on it now. It must have been so hard for you. You and Amber seemed so in love.” She looks at me as if I’m an abandoned puppy she found in a cardboard box on the side of the road in the rain.

Though I’m slightly miffed by her unneeded pity, I maintain a professional poker face. “I think Amber and I are both in better places now.”

“It seems. I received her wedding invitation the other day. Did you know she was getting married?”

“I did.” And I’m so thrilled she’ll be some other schmuck’s problem. “She invited me as well.”

Surprise flashes across her face before she fixes her expression to something more neutral. “Well, in that case, I hope to see you there. Are you…bringing anyone?”

Is she, like Amber, imagining that I’m a miserable, lonely bastard?

“I’ll be attending with him,” Kiera interjects as she stands and holds out her hand. “I’m Jonathan’s girlfriend, Kiera.”

Despite the fact we agreed to this arrangement, I haven’t fulfilled my end of our bargain yet, so she would have been totally justified in letting me flail on my own. But she didn’t. She saved me.

Maya looks Kiera up and down, then shakes her hand. If her smile is any indication, she approves. “How wonderful. You two look fabulous together.”

“Thank you.” Kiera slips her hand in mine. “We’re really happy.”

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