Page 160 of Ocean of Stars

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“It’ll open the door to the rest of what needs to happen.”

I searched Bash’s eyes, thinking about a door opening for Stevie and me. Yes, I wanted the one that Bash was talking about to open, but I was so ready for that one door to open that would let Stevie and me move beyond the baggage of my past and my present. The baggage of Avery.

My conversation with Stevie last night let me know exactly how tired she really was of the unfavorable circumstances surrounding our love affair. I didn’t know if she intended to reveal that to me or if it just slipped out. Whatever the case, I hoped she still had it in her to keep holding on to us. I didn’t want to jump out of the boat that we were in together but I would do it if that was what she believed was best for her. All I wantedwas for Stevie to be happy and if it meant letting her go, then I would, even though I knew I’d drown without her.

I’d just left my last hearing of the day when I spotted Stevie ahead of me, standing to the side of the hallway. Her back was mostly to me but I could still see that she was looking over a file she was holding. Just like when I’d seen her earlier, I didn’t know if she was about to go to a hearing or had just left one because we hadn’t talked to each other. Either way, I was happy just getting to see her again.

I’d texted Stevie earlier and apologized for what I said to her during the last part of our conversation last night, as well as how I ended it. I also told her that if she wanted to talk more in-depth about everything then I was ready to do it. I didn’t include an emoji of any kind at the end of my text although I’d been tempted to add a red heart. I just typed out the words while choking back my emotions and then waited for Stevie to reply, but she never did.

I’d almost reached her when she dropped her pen and I hurried to pick it up for her. When she turned around and saw me kneeling down on the floor with the pen in my hand, looking up at her, the expression on her face was one of total surprise. I didn’t move and neither did she. We just kept staring at each other, and then I slowly stood back up and held out the pen toward her.

“Thank you,” she whispered. As she was taking it from me, I noticed her hand was trembling.

“You’re welcome.”

We again stared at each other without saying anything but Stevie’s eyes were speaking volumes to me. It wasn’t just the“I’m happy to see you” look in them but also the tears brimming in them. They matched mine.

“I love you and I wanna tell you in person that I’m sorry for last night,” I continued.

Stevie glanced around us like she was worried that someone might’ve heard me but I wasn’t worried about it. I didn’t give a damn. I wouldn’t care if every person in this building had heard what I just said to this beautiful woman standing in front of me.

“Same here,” she breathed.

“Are you going to or leaving a hearing?”

“Leaving. I’m done for the day.”

“Me too. Will you meet me at my office?”

Stevie paused, then slowly nodded yes.

“It’s time you saw it,” I went on to say.

“I agree.”

“Text me a couple of minutes before you pull into the parking garage. I’ll meet you there.”


“Do you have someone meeting you here to walk you out to your car?”

“Yes, Jason is.”

“If you don’t mind, let him know that I’m here and will handle it.”

Stevie sent a quick text to Jason and then looked back up at me. “He told me to tell you thanks. We can go now.”

On our way to the elevators, Stevie and I walked closer to each other than we ever had while here at the courthouse. We didn’t say anything, though. We just kept stealing glances at one another. After our elevator arrived, we got on and stood at the back behind all the other occupants. Stevie and I were side by side, only inches apart, and I could now smell the vanilla scent on her skin.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath just to inhale her again, then felt her head on my shoulder. I glanced down at her to see a soft smile on her sparkly lips and then I smiled too. Moments later, I felt Stevie’s fingertips lightly touch my hand and I seized that opportunity to hold hers. I didn’t let go until after we’d reached the first floor.

As Stevie and I were walking to her car, I kept a close eye on our surroundings and made mental notes of everyone I saw but none of the people gave me cause for concern. Their behavior was normal and the people that we passed by were all polite.

After Stevie got into her car, I closed the driver’s side door then she lowered the window and looked up at me.

“Thank you for keeping me safe,” she said.

“I’m happy to.”

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