Page 156 of Ocean of Stars

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She smiled. “Yeah, it was. We should get away like that more often. Well, we didn’t really get away, but you know what I mean. We were able to be open about our relationship without worrying and it was so nice.”

I looked over at Stevie again, grinned, and then looked back at the road.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing. I just enjoy watching you is all.”

That wasn’t all, though. I was still trying to figure out a way to get this beautiful mermaid back to the ocean where she could be free with me again.




ZAC LEFT MYhouse at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday to go pick up Malcolm from his parents. After the sweet boy went to bed that night, his daddy and I talked on the phone for almost an hour, going back over the highlights from Bash’s party and also talking about us.

One of the things that Zac told me about us was that he didn’t want to tell me goodbye anymore. He only wanted to tell me goodnight from now on, and to be able to do it with me lying next to him in bed. Not miles apart. We both knew that wasn’t possible, though. At least not yet. But Zac and I were still clinging to our shared belief that a door was going to eventually open and give us our forever.

After making myself a cup of coffee on early Monday morning, I took a picture of it sitting beside Zac’s empty cup on my kitchen counter. I was about to text him the picture to tell him that there was something very wrong with it when he texted me. It was a picture of him with his bottom lip stuck out like he was sad. The message that followed read: “Tha mi gad ionndrainn.” I didn’t know what it meant but as soon as I Googled it, I smiled at my handsome kinsman’s message. InScottish Gaelic, Zac was telling me that he missed me, and so much, I wanted to crawl through my phone and into his strong arms.

He and I didn’t get to see each other on Monday or Tuesday but we did talk on the phone several times and sent dozens of texts back and forth during those two days. We even sent some sexy pics that we’d taken of ourselves for the other. My favorite selfie of Zac was the one of him facing his pool at night. All the underwater lights were on, and the angle gave me the perfect illuminated view of his blue eyes along with a view of his muscled chest, abs and the dark hair beneath his navel that trailed down to his big cock.

I’d been sitting at my desk at work, going over a case file, when Zac texted me that picture and I nearly dropped my phone when I saw it. It was the first completely nude one that he’d sent. It took me a minute to reply to him but when I did, I texted him a row of flaming red hearts—but that wasn’t all. I’d been reserving a nude picture that I’d taken of myself while taking a bubble bath. The time was finally right to send it to Zac, and when I did, he responded by sending me a brief voice recording of himself saying “Fuck! You’re torturing me, Sinclair!” and I just laughed. Turnabout was fair play.

On Wednesday, we were able to meet at the running trail after work. Zac got there before I did and was waiting for me in what we now called our “secret garden.” It was a special place for both of us. We’d shared so much in the seclusion of those woods, and we did again on Wednesday when we had sex once more while laying on top of the soft grass. And like before, after Zac and I were done, he picked blades of grass out of my hair and brushed off my clothes, and then I did the same to him while we grinned at each other like two mischievous kids.

Thursday passed by in a flash but it didn’t include seeing Zac again. Only taking care of my cases at the D.A.’s office, cleaningand treating my swimming pool after I got home from work, and then mowing my yard. It was while I was mowing the front yard that I had that feeling come over me again—that someone was watching me. I looked around and didn’t see anyone at first, then spotted a car slowly making its way up my street, heading in my direction.

I didn’t recognize it and didn’t think anything else of it until it came to a complete stop in front of my house. I stopped mowing, took out my earbuds, and stared at the dark-tinted windows of the sporty red Audi. I kept thinking that surely the driver was going to roll down the window and ask for directions because they seemed to be lost, but they didn’t. On my riding mower, I strained to see the face of the driver but I couldn’t make out any detail because of those dark windows. The only visible thing was a partial silhouette and I could tell it was of a woman.

After a few more seconds of sitting on my mower, I got off and started walking toward the car. I wanted to find out what the driver’s problem was, but before I could make it over to them, they sped off. I looked for the license plate but strangely, there wasn’t one.

When the car turned the corner at the end of my street and then disappeared from my sight, I looked all around me and everything seemed normal in my neighborhood, as it had since I moved here. It was peaceful, and my neighbors on either side of my house and also across the street from me were all so friendly. I knew I’d eventually see them again, standing in their driveways or mowing their yards like I’d been doing, and I planned to ask them if they knew a woman who drove a red Audi with dark tinted windows. If one of them did then I was going to ask them to speak to their friend about their driving behavior, because it was cause for concern.

I was expecting Zac to call me around 9:00 p.m. but he called at 8:25 and it surprised me.

“Hey, you,” I said. “You’re calling me early.”

“Yeah, Malcolm was extra tired this evening, so I got him fed, bathed, and was reading him a bedtime story, but he didn’t make it halfway through it before he fell asleep. My mom got him outside in her flowerbeds with her today and worked him, and then my dad showed him the fine art of mowing a lawn.” Zac chuckled and so did I.

“That’s great that they’re teaching him how to do all of that even at his young age.”

“They started teaching me at the same age and it has served me well.”

“Yes, it has. I’ve seen how manicured your yard and flowerbeds are. You really do have an artistic eye and a green thumb, Buchanan.”

“So do you. I’ve checked out your yard and flowerbeds too.”

“That’s not all you’ve checked out.”

Zac chuckled again. “You’re right about that. I really like the way you keep certain parts of you landscaped.”

“You do, huh?”

“Yes, I do.”

“I’m happy to keep up the maintenance as long as you do. I know I’ve already told you this a dozen times but I really do love your beard. Of course, you look so handsome with or without it but there’s something about you looking rugged that really gets to me. Plus, I love the way your beard feels.”

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