Page 132 of Ocean of Stars

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“That’s right. Myothergroup of friends will be there.”

“You haven’t had a party like that in quite a while.”

“I know. I’m ready to cut loose like we’ve done before.”

“Are costumes required again?”


“Which kind this time?”

“You know the movie Moulin Rouge, right?”

“Who doesn’t?”

“Well, the costumes that the women and men wore in the movie are what you and Ste…dammit—Joanwould have to wear.”

“So lingerie and high heels for her and a suit with a tailcoat, tie, hat and all for me?”

“That’s right,” Bash said, grinning. “Think you can handle that?”

I finished off my Hendricks and tonic then blew out a hard breath. “Yeah, it’s just that…”

“Just that what?”

“I’m already imagining Joan in costume.”

Bash started chuckling. “Me too. She’ll be gorgeous, but I’m really hoping she goes with the style of costume that Christina Aguilera, Pink and the others wore in the Moulin Rouge music video. They’re sexier.”

“Sounds like you’re no longerthinkingabout having a party. You’ve decided to have one.”

“Yeah, I am gonna have one. And it’s gonna be great getting to watch you and your Joan of Arc together without having to hold back from each other. You’ll be free to do whatever you wanna do. And remember I have four bedrooms.”

I shook my finger at Bash and smiled. “That won’t happen in any of them. We’ll go back to her house.”

“After an evening like what you’re gonna experience at mine, you’re not gonna want to wait to take your Moulin Rouge girl to bed anywhere other than right where you are. I’ll bet you a hundred bucks.”

Bash held out his hand toward me but I pushed it away. “I’m not betting you—because you’re right. I just hope Joan is up to doing all of this.”

“I can already tell you that she will be. She likes a good party and she obviously likes to dance.”

“I can’t wait to see her do that again.”

“Me either. My friends are gonna love her. They already love you, but Stevie,” he whispered, “is extra special.”

“She most certainly is. So when are you sending out your invitations?”

“All I’ve gotta do is print them. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna do that when I get home, then I’ll run back over and give you yours and Joan’s.”

“I’m gonna try to see her tomorrow and if I do, then I’ll give hers to her. We’ll talk on the phone tonight, though, after Malcolm goes to sleep, and I’m gonna go ahead and let her know about the party. She and I are gonna have to get busy finding costumes.”

“I already have a website for you.”

Bash grabbed his cellphone out of his pocket and texted the link to me. I browsed through the website and saw the costume that I hoped Stevie would wanna get. Mine was on there too and I also hoped it met Stevie’s approval.

“Zac, there’s one more thing that I wanna say to you about Avery before I go home,” Bash said and his voice was serious.


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