Page 133 of Ocean of Stars

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“If she happens to be back in town on the night of my party, your ass is still coming.”

“Nothing could stop me. The tides are turning, man. I feel it.”

“So do I.”

I held up my left hand and looked at the gold band still on my finger. It had no meaning to it whatsoever, so I took it off and looked back at Bash.

“What are you gonna do with that thing?” he asked.

“After you leave, I’m flushing it down the toilet. I can’t look at it anymore. I’m done trying to present an image of a happily married man to the people with whom we work and socialize. Most of them know better anyway.”

Bash nodded in agreement.

“One thing that I forgot to tell you is Avery flipped me off before she left here on Friday night. Me taking off this gold band is my way of telling her to go to hell.”

“A-fucking-men to that.”




“MY PARENTS WOULDlike to meet you this coming weekend if you’re good with that,” Zac said.

“I’m great with that, but I won’t be back from Austin until Sunday afternoon.”

“I thought you were coming back on Friday.”

“That was my plan, but my dad called me just a little while ago and asked me to stay until Sunday. He wants me to go to church with him. I’ll get to listen to him preach again.”

“I understand. I’m excited for you.”

“But I hear the disappointment in your voice.”

“I just hate being apart from you, Stevie, and I was really hoping my parents could meet you this weekend.”

“If it’s not too late for them when I get back on Sunday, then I’m happy to go over to their house.”

“You don’t think you’ll be too tired after the drive?”

“No, not at all. Road trips are relaxing to me. I listen to my favorite music the whole time.”

“Okay. I’ve already talked to Bash about him coming over to watch Malcolm whenever it worked out for us to go to myparents’. I’m just to let him know when and he said he’ll be here.”

“Great! All I need is your mom and dad’s address and I’ll meet you there on Sunday.”

“No, I want you to ride with me.”

“Zac, this is no different from us going to Brooke’s.”

“I don’t care anymore. I’m coming to your house to pick you up and you’re riding with me. And not only that. You’re gonna hold my hand and we’re gonna listen to the radio and talk and do whatever else you want.”

I giggled. “You talked me into it.”

“Well, there’s one more thing that I hope I can talk you into doing.”


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