Page 116 of Ocean of Stars

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“And I wanna be there with you. So badly.”

“Zac, I don’t understand Avery’s sudden turnaround about her feelings toward you.”

“Yeah… I asked her about that. She told me that she had a dream about me last night. I’d fallen in love with another woman and ended things with her.”


“Why the ‘wow’?”

“A woman’s intuition. That’s why I said that. Women know things, they sense them. Even women like Avery—and it appears that she’s somehow sensing us.”

“Stevie, it was a dream that she had, and it was her guilty conscience that prompted it—if she really did have the dream. She’s probably lying about it just to get some sympathy from me, which she hasn’t and won’t.”

“Where are you right now?”

“In my bedroom with the door locked.”

“Jesus, you’re like a prisoner in your own home.”

That was hard to hear Stevie say, but she was right. “In some ways I am, and it’s just how it is.”

“What if Avery hears you talking through the door? It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s listened in on you before and is maybe listening now.”

“It’d only be my side of the conversation that she’d hear.”

“Still—how would you explain it away? A lot can be deciphered from just hearing one side.”

“I wouldn’t explain anything. What I do and who I talk to is none of her business.”

“Do me a favor.”


“Please go into your bathroom and close the door.”

“Stevie, I’m not worried about Avery hearing me talk to you.”

“But I am. My biggest fear is all of this blowing up in your face.”

“I’m walking into my bathroom now.”

“Thank you.”

“Okay, I just laid down on the floor and I’m about to share something with you that will hopefully put you at ease about this whole situation. As you know, I’ve been documenting incidents with Avery whenever they happen. I’ve also taken pictures of the marks that she’s left on me. I’ve videoed her too whenever she’s been in one of her rages and comes at me or tears up things around here. There’s more that I’ve done, though, and am still doing.”


“I put a tracker on her car months ago and I also hired a private investigator. He’s provided me with photos and video footage of Avery with that guy she met in college and was engaged to. The two of them are currently having an affair.”

Stevie grew quiet and remained that way.

“Are you still there?” I asked.

“Yes. Just processing what you told me.”

“I understand.”

“What is the guy’s name?”

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