Page 32 of Fighting Beta

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She sat up, walked to the hall, and then went in search of something to drink. She took her phone to the empty kitchen and got a glass of water. Her stomach was twinging, and she rubbed her abdomen. The flicks of pain got faster, and she tried to remember how to reach through the links. When heavy footfalls came to her side, she clutched her belly and whispered, “Ow.”

Hands lifted her, there was a kiss on her temple, and she focused on staying calm as she was put in a car, and in a few minutes of focus, which was probably half an hour, they were at an emergency room, and Feng was holding her hand while Benjiro spoke with the admitting staff.

She kept breathing calmly during the exam, and a nurse gave her some mild tranquillizers. The doctor said, “There is some spotting, but the baby is still intact. Have you been engaged in gentle exercise?”

“Not much. No. There was an injury early in the pregnancy, and it was hard to keep motivated after that.”

“You suddenly resumed your normal activities?”

“I ran ten kilometres this morning and not much activity before that.” She swayed as the drugs kicked in.

The doctor sighed. “So, you overdid it. Begin by increasing your exercise day after day, and if you don’t do it already, take it easy on the yoga.”

“Um, okay. So, what do I have to do otherwise?”

“Just relax, listen to your alphas, and avoid stress. You seem really tense.”

Feng asked, “Could stress be causing this?”

“Oh, absolutely. Why? Are you stressing out your beta? That’s a little unusual.”

Feng rubbed his forehead. “No, my grandmother was chewing on her and informing her that she was an unsuitable partner. For about half an hour.”

The doctor sighed. “Depending on how emotional your beta is, it could definitely have caused it.”

The door flew open, and Polly and Minoru appeared. Polly rushed up and took her hand. “Oh, Olly. I am not letting that omega bitch near you again. I will punch her out myself if she talks to you.”

The doctor blinked. “Omega?”

“My grandmother.” Feng groaned. “Olly must have been more upset than she let on.”

Polly hugged her and muttered, “Our other twin is an omega, and she is a cruel bitch. She got our parents onto her side every time there was a disagreement. She even put Olly in the situation that made her run away. I don’t particularly like omegas, except for Ulric and Ford.”

Olly chuckled. “I haven’t met them yet. Not properly.”

Polly smiled. “Ford was the one who wanted to know if you wanted to walk around mostly naked in a music video.”

“Oh. Right. Oh. Alita. I got on well with Alita. She’s a good omega. Sensible alpha and fun beta.” She blinked. “Did you get photos from the wedding?”

Polly smiled. “I did. We came out great.”

Polly stayed in contact with her and showed her proofs on the phone. They had looked cute and cheerful. Polly had looked stunning in all her outfits, and the image of Minoru as an ogre kissing Polly carefully. “Aw. His tusks didn’t even get in the way.”

Polly smirked. “They don’t.”

Olly caught on and snickered. Her head spun, and she drooped against her sister.

Polly caught her. “Hey, sis. What did they give you?”

“Calm in a pill.”

“But you are always calm.”

“My blood pressure begs to differ.” She rolled her head back. “Thanks for coming. I was really scared.”

“Have you had a physical yet?” Polly stroked her head.

“No. Had to do stupid shopping and meet a snotty omega.”

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