Page 95 of The Choice

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“It’s not about seeing good. It’s about not letting the bad take over. Not giving in or giving up. There’s good in all of us. Even when we make bad decisions.”

“I’ve definitely made my fair share. But I’ll change. I promise.”

My father smiled and his eyes watered. He looked sincere and I hoped his actions followed his words.

“You need to find a new job,” I told him.

“I know. My friend Joe says they’re hiring at the gas station.”

“That’s good. You should apply.”

“I will, honey. But first, we’ll celebrate your upcoming graduation and beating these bogus charges.”

“Do you even know why Rossi dropped the charges?” I asked as I followed my father into the kitchen.

He shrugged. “He didn’t say. I just got your text and ran home as soon as I heard. I never want to see the man again.”

“I hope not. He really scared me, you know? Like there’s something really dark about him.”

“Well, he isn’t a good guy, honey. I’m sure you figured that out. But I think it’s more than just making bad decisions with him. I get this feeling like he’s just rotten inside.”

I nodded but I didn’t really believe that. Though something about Rossi was off. And I was glad my father was done with him, so we didn’t have to find out why.

Ah, but it wasn’t over.

“Did you get Luke’s ball back?”

His eyes drooped and he shook his head. “It’s gone. When all the commotion happened back at the house, my only concern was for you. I didn’t see what happened to it.”

“We need to figure out a way to get it back. But I don’t want you involved, Dad. Do you hear me?”

“We’ll figure something out together.”

I liked the sound of that. I was tired of sneaking around, following him, and tiptoeing around our issues. “That’s exactly right. We are in this together from now on.”

He pulled me into his arms and squeezed me tight. With my head on his shoulder and my heart full, I knew we were both going to be all right.



The last time I showed up at Giancarlo Rossi’s home, I had a lot of questions. Tonight, I came for the answers.

A man in dark jeans and a white t-shirt answered the door. He was probably in his twenties, but judging by the size of his arms, he wasn’t the butler.

“I’m here to see Giancarlo. Tell him Ryan Crawford is here.”

“Is he expecting you?”

“I think he is.”

The man squinted and pursed his lips. But opened the door wider and waved me in.

“Wait here,” he said, then turned around and walked away without another word.

I scanned the room and noticed more cameras neatly camouflaged between the wood paneling that I’d missed the first time I was here. It was dark inside. The only light came from room lamps and sconces. It felt more like a lair than a home, but that was probably my dislike for the man and his disregard for the law.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

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