Page 63 of The Choice

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She nodded but didn’t move a muscle, her weight entirely upon me. Hugging her, I turned us around and gently laid her across my desk. Her hair spilled down the side of the wood and she smiled, content and satisfied.

Licking my lips, I flicked her nipple with my tongue. She arched her back and groaned. She hadn’t covered herself up. She wasn’t done. That was very good.

I played with her nipples, licking, sucking, and teasing until they hardened into twin peaks.

Unzipping my pants, I took myself in hand and pressed at her entrance. Only a few inches at first. When she widened her legs, I pressed deeper and she groaned a little louder. My head jerked toward the door, wondering if Sarah had heard that.

“Shh,” I said, bending toward her ear. But when I slammed into her again and she cried out, I took her mouth to consume every cry and whimper.

As my hips banged against hers, she grasped the edges of the desk. Feeling her body clench around me, I lost control. My hips pounded furiously and the desk rocked beneath us. It squeaked and it groaned, louder than our shouts of release.

And then it all came crashing down.

Before she could fall along with the desk, I scooped Laura up, my body still inside of her, and pulled her away.

We both stared at the lopsided desk, its legs broken on one side. Then, turning toward eachother we dropped our heads land laughed until we cried.

“Oh, my god,” she said, trying hard to catch her breath. “You broke the desk!”

“Damn. I guess I did.”

“How the hell are you going to explain that?”

“I’m the boss, sweetheart. I don’t have to explain it to anyone.”

Except maybe Colton, but I wasn’t worried about him.

I carried Laura to my office ensuite and turned on the shower.

“You’ve got to be kidding me right now. You have a full-size bathroom in your office?”

“Sometimes we work later than we should, so it comes in handy.”

“I’d say it’s pretty freakin’ handy right now.”

We showered quickly. I’d tried to back Laura up against the tiles, but she wasn’t having it. “I’ve got to get to class,” she laughed and squirmed out of my arms.

“I’ve got to go, too. Someone stole Luke’s baseball. It meant a lot to him. My father had given him that ball.”

Her eyes searched mine and her face paled. “I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Don’t be. It’s not like you stole it,” I laughed. But her eyes stared at something behind me.

After collecting ourselves, I walked her to the elevators and kissed her goodbye. “I’ll see you at Luxor later.”

She smiled, her eyes shining. “I’ll see you later.”

Back at my office, I assessed the damage. Two of the legs had completely snapped off. I would have to unscrew the piece still stuck underneath and install new legs. I grabbed my jacket and walked over to the hardware store.

I could have asked someone in the office to do this for me, but I didn’t want to have to explain anything or have others make up scenarios that would probably be pretty close to the truth.

An hour later, I was screwing in the last of the new legs when it occurred to me that screwing was exactly what brought me down to my knees.

I chuckled, having no regret for my current predicament.

Laura made me lose all sense of reason and caution. I usually was careful about where I made love and had never taken anyone to my office. But I just couldn’t think straight when she was around. I wanted to be as close to her as humanly possible.

I was crazy, stupid, and dangerously in love with her.

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