Page 74 of The Remake

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“I can’t believe this getaway was only two days. It feels like a week.”

“Is that your way of saying you’re sick of me?” he teased.

I pushed his shoulder. “You know what I mean.”

He kissed my lips. “I do.”

As Luke had expected, we both slept through take-off and most of the landing in New York.

“Here you go,” Luke said, handing me my phone. “Monday morning, as promised.”

“Thanks,” I said, turning the device on. A bunch of text messages and phone calls from Omar pinged through and I couldn’t read any of them as they just kept on coming. I knew my mother was okay. I’d just spoken to her a few hours ago and these messages were more than a day old.

Impatient to hear what was happening, I dialed Omar’s number.

“I’m sure everything’s fine,” Luke said, placing his hand on my collarbone. “I can hear your heart beating from here.”

“You’re right. He’s probably worried about what I’m going to wear for my interview this afternoon.”

“Grace?” Omar’s voice sounded panicked on the other end and my heart stopped.

“Omar, what’s wrong?”

“Oh my god, Grace. Did you get any of my messages?” he shouted. “Are you at the office? Where are you?”

“Slow down, Omar,” I said, trying to calm him and me down at the same time. “We just landed and I should be back home in about an hour.”

“Oh no,” said Omar, his voice dropping.

“What’s going on?”

“Grace, you’ll be fine. I’m sure they’ll give you another chance.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” His words stopped me; my legs froze.

“They moved your interview to this morning, Grace. It starts in five minutes.”

“What?” I screamed in the middle of the tarmac. “They can’t do that.”

“I heard it was something about a big budget meeting getting moved to tomorrow and so Faith suggested they hold the interviews this morning.”

“She knew I had taken Monday morning off. She must have seen the schedule. I can’t believe—”

“Maybe you can still make it,” Omar said, but the hesitation in his voice told me he didn’t think that was possible.

“I’ll make it, Omar. I’ve got to. See you soon,” I said and ended the call.

“Did I hear that right? Did your interview get changed to this morning?” Luke asked. “They can’t do that.”

“They can and they did. I have to get there. I have to go.”

“All right. Eric, can you take us to this address ASAP? If you get any speeding tickets on the way there, I’ll pay for them. Just go!” he shouted.

Eric nodded and slammed his foot on the gas pedal. Luke and I both lurched back, but the rush felt good on my nerves. I would make it. I had to; the alternative was not possible. I needed this raise. My mother’s health depended on it.



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