Page 68 of The Remake

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She nodded, but her mood had changed from playful to worried.

“Would it be so bad if everyone saw those pictures? We’re grown adults and there was nothing explicit there.” I hoped to make her feel better, but she just shook her head.

“If a guy gets caught making out with someone, he gets high-fives from his friends. If a woman is caught, everyone raises their eyebrows. No one is going to high-five me when I walk back into the office on Monday. They’re going to look at me differently and while I know that’s unfair, I worked too damn hard to get where I am to be seen as the latest watercooler gossip.”

“You’re right. I probably would get high-fives for that picture instead of cruel gossip. The double standard is pathetic.”

She exhaled loudly and I pulled her onto the sofa and held her in my arms as we waited. Ryan’s call came an hour later. Grace had agreed to eat some fruit and was biting into a strawberry when Ryan told me he had taken care of it.

“The story and pictures are down. Gag orders are in place and if any other website or tabloid publishes it, I told them I was prepared to take this in front of a judge. And they know in court sometimes it isn’t necessarily who’s right but who’s got more money to outlast the other. Either way, we win. The picture is gone. Tell Grace she can be easy now.”

“Thanks, Ryan. I owe you one.”

“Any time, little brother.”

When I ended the call, Grace looked up at me. Her large brown eyes looked hopeful and I smiled. “Did you hear any of that?”

“All of it. Do you believe him?”

“Ryan? Shit, yes. He loves me and he still scares me. I could only imagine what he told those assholes.”

Grace expelled a deep sigh of relief. “Thank god.” But her mouth was still unsmiling.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know if I can handle this. All the paparazzi and stuff. I live a low-key life, Luke. I hardly leave my apartment. I don’t like many people and don’t know how to be likable.”

“I like you and that’s all that matters.”

“Does it? I don’t know if my anxiety will get in the way of us.”

My mind panicked and I turned to face her. Cupping her cheek, I searched her eyes. They looked sad and I wanted so much to make her happy. “Grace, I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but I don’t want this to end. We’ll avoid the photographers and stay in if you’d like. I hear my cooking is pretty good.”

She smiled. “If one can believe your office staff, I hear that too.”

“I also promise to keep my hands in proper places when we’re out in public.”

“And your mouth?”

My lips twitched. “Fine. And my mouth.”

Her eyes brightened and she even laughed. “I want this to work, too. That’s why I’m trying to be honest with you about who I am. I don’t want you to change for me, and I probably can’t change for you. We have to make this work so that we’re both happy.”

“I’ve never been fucking happier in my whole life.” The truth of my words made my hands tremble. I ran my fingers through her hair and opened myself to her. “Say you’ll give this a shot. We’ll talk through it and if you don’t feel comfortable about something, we’ll work it out. I know being with me won’t be easy, but say you’ll try, Grace.”

Her eyes watered and she threw herself into my arms, jolting me to the back of the couch. “I’ll do more than try, Luke. I’ll give it my best.”

Her beautiful smile returned and I kissed her mouth, wanting to share in its warmth. I was falling for this woman.

But if I were honest, I fell for Grace the first day I met her.



Sixteen years ago…

I laced up my red Jordans as I waited for my uncle to drive me to my first day of the seventh grade. The school was only a few blocks away, but he had promised me he would drop me off on the first day. He promised me last year and the year before, but something had come up.

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