Page 21 of The Remake

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I sighed. “Good. How about the treasurer’s reports?”

His mouth opened and closed, and he scrunched up his face again. I crossed my arms.

“Luke was supposed to bring them to me this morning,” said James. “But got held up.”

“Held up? By what? An oven timer?”

“It’s a freaking good steak, Grace. You should have one.” He turned the sandwich toward me, offering me a bite.

I held my hand up. “No, thank you. I’m good.”

I looked up at Luke, surrounded by his fans, and shook my head. There was no way I could get him out of the kitchen and hand me those reports right now.

“This is getting ridiculous. I’m going to speak to Colton.”

I marched down the hallway to Colton’s office. He faced his laptop as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn’t look happy.

Well, neither was I.

I knocked on his door. “Can I come in?”

He looked up, slightly startled. “Ms. Sweeney? Of course, please come in.”

“This isn’t working with Luke,” I said, getting straight to the point.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, he’s not doing his job. He’s stalling, distracting my colleague, and downright ignoring my requests.”

“I don’t think Luke would do this on purpose.”

I raised my eyebrow. “Really? How well do you know him, then?”

“Excuse me?”

I shook my head. “Mr. Crawford. I don’t want to argue with you about this. We both want the same thing here, and that is to execute a quick, efficient, and thorough audit for you. I’m telling you that the person you assigned to help with the audit is none of those things. I respectfully ask that you assign someone else the role.”

Colton steepled his hands under his chin and released a breath. “Let me speak with him.” Colton picked up the phone and brought it to his ear. He waited a minute and that crease reappeared between his eyebrows right before he looked up at me.

I smiled. “He’s not in his office. He’s in the staff room making cheese steak sandwiches.”

“He’s what?” he asked, getting up from his chair. “Wait here a minute.”

He crossed the room and marched down the hallway. “Luke!” he shouted when he reached the staff room. “My office. Right now.”

I straightened my lips before Colton returned and stared straight ahead when he resumed his seat.

The scent of fresh sirloin breezed into the room. “You called for me,” said Luke. I didn’t turn around, but the essence of him made me close my eyes. He smelled delicious.

I felt his eyes on me.

“Has Ms. Sweeney been tattling on me?” he asked.

Oh, I didn’t care how good he smelled, the nerve of that man.

“I am not tattling, you child. I’m frustrated by your lack of professionalism. This farce has gone on long enough.”

“Oh, has it? What do you say, Colton?” asked Luke, crossing his arms and looking at his brother.

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