Page 77 of The Mix-Up

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I worked all afternoon, running between board meetings and working on Mariam’s new proposal for Morgan. I prepared her slides and read through the presentation. It wasn’t as good as Colton’s, but that didn’t mean Morgan wouldn’t go for it. Perhaps he would prefer Sterling’s simpler subdivision plan instead of the high-end shopping destination Colton had proposed. Finally, at six o’clock, I submitted the presentation to Mariam, and she approved it.

“Thanks for your help today,” she said as I wished her a good night.

“My pleasure.” I walked out, feeling a little better than I did when the day started.

I was good at my job. I had made headway in my life with Dr. Lee’s advice and I was finally feeling like the person I was meant to be. If only I could get my love life together. Maybe I’d call Colton tonight. Ask him how his meeting went? No, I needed to be honest with him. More direct. I pulled out my phone before I lost my nerve.

Me: Hey, about last night… I’m hoping we can finish that conversation. Maybe we can talk later?

By the time the bus stopped in front of the pawnshop at the corner of my street, Colton still had not responded to my text. Staring at the phone wouldn’t make him text me any faster, so I shoved the phone in my purse and vowed not to check it until later. It didn’t stop my heart from wanting him to respond or my mind from replaying our words from last night. I wished I could have that night back. I wished I could have told him that despite everything, I still loved him.

Perhaps it was my melancholy, but when I opened my front door, I missed my Nonna calling out to me, asking how my day went. Maybe it wasn’t too late to join my family.

I climbed the steps to my bedroom, deciding I would make myself a sandwich, then go to Zia’s house to distract me from staring at my phone the whole night. That sounded like a good plan. But first I had to change. I couldn’t spend another minute in this skirt and blouse.

Opening one of my drawers to grab a pair of tights, I froze. I thought I’d heard a noise.


What was that?

I peeked outside my window and spotted Chris’s truck in my driveway. Panic set in and I couldn’t breathe.

Don’t open the door. He’ll go away.

I ran to my purse and pulled out my phone, preparing to dial.


Footsteps on the staircase, I was sure of it. Then the thump of boots hitting our parquet floor upstairs. I closed my eyes, imagining myself seven years ago and spiraling back to that dark place.

My bedroom door opened and the face of my nightmares stood before me again.

“Frannie,” he said. His voice was soft, like a serpent’s tongue.

“How did you get inside?” My voice sounded distant, as though it traveled through a tunnel first.

My mind retreated as I found myself alone with Chris in my bedroom. My eyes moved toward the closet and I shuddered.

“Your family still hides the key in a hole between the bricks.” He took a step closer to me and while I physically didn’t move, every muscle in my body tensed.

I clenched my fists at my sides and steadied my voice. “I want you to leave, Chris. Now.”

“I’m not leaving, Frannie. We have to talk.”

“What do you want after all this time? Did she finally smarten up and dump you?”

He shot me a look. His eyes narrowed and his mouth twitched as though my words had hit a nerve. I was right. That was exactly what had happened and he thought he could come back to me.

“Who was that guy?” he asked, deceptively soft.

I knew he was referring to Colton, but I didn’t want to say his name in front of Chris. I didn’t want to ever associate Colton with this monster.

“I. Said. Leave.” I held his eyes and swallowed the bile rising in my throat.

I anticipated his next move because of instinct. He’d done it so many times before. He reached for my wrist, but I twisted out of the way. I managed to tap three numbers on my phone before he knocked it out of my hand.

He moved toward me again, but I jumped on my bed and out of his reach. His face turned red. “I asked you a question, Frannie. Who was that guy?”

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