Page 69 of The Mix-Up

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I nodded. “I’m glad I could make it work.”

She quickly scanned a piece of paper on her desk. I assumed it was my resume. Then, she returned her attention to me. “To be honest, this resume is decent, but what caught my attention was the note at the bottom stating a reference letter from Colton Crawford, CEO of Crawford Corp. Do you have that letter with you today?”

“I do.” I pulled the letter from my portfolio and placed it on her desk.

She yanked a pair of glasses out from her blazer and examined the paper. “Mmm. How long did you work there?”

I cleared my throat. “Six years in the mailroom. Then two weeks as Mr. Crawford’s personal assistant.”

She pursed her lips. “Two weeks, huh?”

I nodded and was about to thank her for her time when a tiny voice inside my head told me to fight.

“I know it wasn’t a very long time, but I created a more efficient filing system for Mr. Crawford, researched new properties of interest for him, and worked on an upcoming development project. I learned a lot in the short amount of time I was there.”

“Upcoming development project, did you say?” She tapped her bottom lip. “Does that project have anything to do with Robert Morgan’s land?”

I kept my face serene. “I’m not at liberty to say, Ms. Mahmoud.”

She pursed her lips. “I appreciate your discretion. It’s something we’d expect from one of our employees as well.” She tapped on the desk. “We need someone to start soon. My last assistant eloped and won’t be returning.”

“I can start tomorrow.”

“Great.” She stood from her desk again with her hand toward me. “Welcome to Sterling Realty.”


Dr. Lee sat in a black ergonomic office chair, surrounded by wooden bookshelves, while I sat in a cream-colored armchair in front of her desk. It was plush and comfortable. This was my third session with Dr. Lee. I’d told her everything I’d ever wanted to say and things I’d never admitted even to myself, all in the first hour of meeting her. It was like verbal diarrhea once I started talking. She mostly listened and sometimes gave a task to complete before the next session.

“I think we’re making great progress, Frances,” she said, staring back at me through her black-rimmed glasses.

“Do you really think so?” I asked, folding my arms and sinking further into the chair.

“I do. You need to give yourself credit and be proud of what you’ve accomplished in such a short time.”

Thinking back to when I stood inside the mailroom less than three months ago, watching the suits pass me by, and now, being one of them at Sterling Realty, I realized Dr. Lee was right.

“This week I want you to focus on building your social network.” She scribbled on a notepad while she spoke. “I know it’s not easy for you to make new friends, but how about you ask Erika for a girls’ night out?”

“I can do that.”

“Good. Maintaining a social network is important for you right now. I don’t want you isolating yourself.”

“I’ll ask Erika. I promise.” Checking my watch, I jolted up from the chair. “I’ve got to go.”

“We still have a few more minutes.”

“I was late for work last time. Although Mariam is more forgiving than Colton, I don’t want to take advantage.”

“We’ll work on the people-pleasing next time,” said Dr. Lee, scribbling on her notepad.

I chuckled. “Deal.”

I rushed out of the medical building and chased after the bus before it reached its next stop. “Thanks, Donnie,” I said to the driver.

“I don’t know how you run in those heels,” he said, shaking his head and using his whole body on the steering wheel to turn the bus back onto the street.

I made it to work on time, even though Mariam was already in her office. “Morning,” I said before turning on my laptop.

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