Page 18 of A Wild Heart

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And he was right. I’d made bad, bad decisions tonight, but that didn’t mean I was going to keep making them. What an asshole.

“God, you’re a dick!” I yelled, beyond frustrated with myself and him.

“You’re no walk in the park, either, babe!” he yelled back. “You’re scared to let me take you home because you’re worried about me knowing where you live, yet here you are yelling in my damn living room like a banshee. You seem really fucking scared, you lunatic,” he finished, all sarcasm.

I felt my eyes widen. A banshee. He wasn’t too far off the mark with the lunatic part, so I let it slide. Oh, and he hadn’t even seen yelling yet. “A banshee?” I screeched.

“You heard me,” he finished calmly, plopping himself back on his sofa and nodding toward the window in front of him where I could see headlights pulling in. “There’s your car, babe. Better hurry before he leaves and the big bad man who gave you the best dick you’ve ever had in your stuck-up life has to take you home.”

“Oh my God, I cannot,” I said, yanking the door open and stepping out onto his stoop. I wanted to tell him it wasn’t the best dick of my life, but I’d already been caught in one lie.

He didn’t even get up and turn the damn outside light on for me or anything, the Neanderthal.

“Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!” I heard him yell from the couch.

I poked my head back into the house. “And fuck you. I do not snore, you jerk!” I yelled, slamming the door behind me.

What an asshole.

At least I’d never have to see him again.

Iasked the Uber driver to drop me a block from my house. One, because I didn’t want to wake Parker up and have her ask me why Miranda didn’t drop me, and two, because I didn’t want him to know where I lived either.

Yeah, I was crazy. Maybe my dark stranger was right. A straight-up lunatic.

I entered the house as quietly as possible, walked toward Parker’s room, and cracked open her closed door to find her safe and sound in bed, thanking my lucky stars she hadn’t been waiting up on me.

I didn’t even know how I’d begin to explain any of this to her.

I padded on light feet to my own room, where I promptly undressed, slipped on some underwear and a nightgown that resembled a moo-moo, and fell into bed with a groan.

But I lay there wide awake, my mind racing over the events of the night. I’d been crazy, hot, and out of control. But free.

Free for the first time in a long damn time.

Since I couldn’t sleep, I grabbed my phone from the end of the bed. It was almost three in the morning. Jesus, I was going to be tired tomorrow. At least I didn’t have to go anywhere.

I was still waiting on someone to call me back about a job.

I noticed I had three missed texts and pulled up a thread from Miranda.

“Lord,” I whispered, upset with myself that she had texted me three times, making sure I was home okay, and I never answered. So, I sent her a text right away that only said, I’m home.

Two seconds later, the phone buzzed and lit up in my hand, nearly causing me a heart attack.

“Hello,” I whispered, walking to my en suite bathroom and shutting the door behind me so I didn’t wake Parker.

“You’re just getting home?” Miranda asked.

I swallowed. “Umm-hmm,” I said, grabbing my nail clippers off the counter and trimming my nails, feeling nervous about the impending questions and conversation.

“She’s just now getting home?” I heard Holden ask in the background and my face grew hot.

Oh, dear God. This was so awkward.

I heard Miranda whisper something and then say, “This is girl talk. Go back to sleep.”

“Okay,” she said into the phone. “I’ve sent Holden away. Tell me everything.” She sounded way too alert and most certainly way too excited for three in the morning.

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