Page 17 of A Wild Heart

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“Okay,” he said, getting up off the couch, and I was reminded of how absolutely massive he was. “I’ll give you a ride home.”

He was at least six-foot-four and towered over me like I was a small child. Forget the sheer width of his shoulders. I wondered if he’d ever played football because the man was built like a brick shithouse.

I tried my damnedest not to look at his huge biceps or his broad chest. Not that I could see that much in the dark, anyway, but his size was positively massive.

I shook my head, snapping myself out of it, and slipped on my shoes quickly. “No, thanks. I’ll just call a car. It’s no big deal.”

Now that my brain wasn’t addled by his innate sexiness, I was all too aware of how dangerous the decisions I’d made tonight were. He didn’t need to know where I lived on top of everything else.

I would have killed Parker if she had done something like this. I was giving myself a good talking to when I got home. I was putting myself on restriction.

I wasn’t ready for the real world.

“Look,” he said in his beautifully gruff Southern voice. I noticed he was wearing a pair of low-slung jeans that just so happened to be unbuttoned and I told my horny self not to stare. “It’s no big deal. I’ll run you home. It’s late.”

I needed a cold shower, immediately.

“No, thank you,” I said through clenched teeth while opening my Uber app on my phone. “I’m getting an Uber now.”

Run for your life, my brain screamed.

Climb him like a tree, my girl parts yelled.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, come on Uber app, don’t fail me now.

“Jesus Christ, you’re hard-headed as hell,” he growled, his Southern twang coming out to play more than ever now that he was frustrated. He pulled his shirt over his head like he was in some kind of cologne commercial instead of standing in his dark living room.

While the app loaded on my phone, I tried to convince myself that the Southern twang and cologne commercial weren’t cute as hell.

That this was a booty call and the booty part was over. So I was making a call and getting the hell out of here.

He came and stood in front of me. “I’m taking you home.”

I looked up at him. “You are not.”

He stepped closer, towering over me, and I could smell him, and he smelled like me and sex and him and God, I wanted to bury my face in that big chest. “I am,” he said through gritted teeth.

“No,” I answered, stepping away.

“For fuck’s sake. What is the fucking problem?” he asked way too loudly.

“There’s no fucking problem,” I snapped back. And then I got the glorious news my Uber went through. I held the phone up to him. “See, my Uber will be here in two minutes.” I started walking toward his front door.

I heard a low, sarcastic chuckle behind me. “Oh, I get it,” he said so low I’d almost missed it.

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I turned around to look at him. “Get what?”

He gave me an accusatory look and a sarcastic smile. “You don’t want me to know where you live.”

I felt my face get red. The bastard had figured me out.

He nodded. “That’s right. You’re standing here inmyliving room aftermy dickwas just inside of you, and you don’t want me to take you home because you’re scared of me knowing where you live.” He let out another low laugh. “That’s fucking rich.”

I couldn’t see his eye roll in the dark, but I sure as hell knew it was happening.

“I…I…” I stood up straighter, my palm still wrapped around the doorknob. “I have a family to think about. I have to protect myself.”

He shook his head. “It’s a little late for that, sweetie,” he said loudly, throwing his hands up in the air like look around you. As if to say, you just let me fuck you on my couch.

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