Page 6 of The Rule Breaker

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I race up the steps to the Big Brothers organization and pull open the heavy door, anxious to meet the child I matched with. As soon as I enter the empty reception area, Harper’s citrusy scent curls around me. Either it’s my imagination, or she’s back in the building with Gavin. I’m going with the former, considering I haven’t been able to get her out of my head since meeting her, and yeah, maybe I did have a date with the palm twins last night. So what if I chose that over hitting the club and picking up a woman? I’m not supposed to be doing that anymore, yet I’m not one-hundred percent sure that’s what kept me home last night.

“Hi Rita,” I say, and she gives me a big smile. For a second I think about asking her for Harper’s contact information, but like I said before, I’m not a creeper, and that somehow seems like I’d be crossing a line.

“Liam, so nice to see you again.” She stands and waves me to follow. “Come on in and meet your little brother. We’ll give you time to talk and play, and if you and the child’s mother feel like it’s a good fit, we go from there.”

“Sure thing.” I adjust my ballcap and follow her down the hall. She’s all giddy when she opens the door and waves her hand for me to enter. I step through the door, take one look at the boy on the floor playing with the toy cars, and a wide smile spreads across my face. It dissolves just as quickly when I hear Harper’s sharp intake of breath.

“Liam, are you my big brother?” Gavin asks, as he jumps to his feet, his big smile wrapping around my heart and squeezing.

“Ah…” I say and glance at Harper.

“My wish came true, Mommy. Last night I crossed both fingers and wished really hard.”

“Gavin,” I begin, not sure how I’m g

oing to break the kid’s heart, but Harper made it clear I wasn’t the man for her son. “I don’t think—”

“He doesn’t think he could be happier,” Harper says, interrupting me. My gaze flies to hers, and I take in her bunched forehead, the tightness in her lips.

“You’re happy you got me?” Gavin asks, like he’s not used to anyone wanting him, and it damn near breaks my heart.

Harper turns from me, and smiles as she talks to her son. “Of course, he is, Gavin. Getting you as a little brother is the best thing that could happen to anyone.”

His smile lights up the room, and behind me Rita says, “Harper, let’s talk in the other room while these two get to know each other.”

“Can I talk to you in the hall for a second?” Harper asks.

“Sure. Be right back, kiddo,” I say and tug on his too big Seattle Shooters ball cap. I step into the hall with Harper and Rita.

“Isn’t this wonderful?” Rita says. “I was thrilled when they matched. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Gavin’s face.”

“It is wonderful,” Harper says. “Do you mind if I talk to Liam for a quick second?”

“Of course, dear. Meet me in that room when you’re done.”

She disappears and Harper leans against the wall, like her legs can no longer hold her up. Damned if I don’t want to put my arm around her and give her the support she needs.

She shakes her head, a humorless smile on her face. “Well, this is quite the surprise.”

“Harper, if you don’t want—”

“Do you think I could say no to him?” She shakes her head. “I just…if you’re going to do this, I need you to be there for him.” She adjusts her big purse, and glances at the floor, like she’s trying to choose her words carefully. “This is hard to explain.”

“He’s had loss. I get it.” She’s had loss too, it’s written all over her, but I’m not about to bring that up.

“I don’t want him to be waiting for you, to be counting on you, relying…and…” She takes a breath and lets it out slowly. “I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“I’m going to do the best I can, Harper. I’ve never been a big brother before. I can’t promise I won’t make mistakes. But once I give someone my word, I stick to it.”

“The fighting, the drinking. I can’t have another drinker in his life. I just…can’t.”

As the vision of her life, her loss, becomes clearer, I nod. She’s right about me. I do drink too much. Partly because it helps me cope with my role of the Rule Breaker, and partly because it helps me be someone else—someone everyone likes.

“What about a hockey player who wants to help a kid out, and hopefully make a positive impact?” Christ, I sound like the poster boy already.

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