Page 26 of The Rule Breaker

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His grins spreads, heat and fire in his eyes as he looks at me, and I’m almost certain he’s ready to go for round two. “Are you saying we can do this again? I think we were premature in saying it was a one-night thing. Although I never like to use the word premature after sex.”

I laugh as he rolls off me, pulling me to the side, but the smile is gone from his face. My stupid heart flutters when he brushes my hair from my shoulders, his gaze moving down to take in my nakedness. Has any man ever looked at me like that before? How do I even describe it? A mix of lust and curiosity? I’m not sure, but it does something weird to me.

As a flurry of excitement dances in my stomach, I say, “I’m not sure it’s a good idea, Liam. I think it’s a conflict of interest. You’re Gavin’s big brother, and while it was fun having you as my big daddy,” I say, hoping to lighten his mood as well as my own, “I don’t think we can do this again.”

“You’re right. I know it.” He shuffles on the bed. “Hang on, I’ll be right back.” He throws his legs over the bed, removes the condom and dashes into his ensuite. I fight an internal battle as I wait for him. Can we do this again? My God, I’m trying everything to convince myself we can have sex, but inside I know once he’s tired of me, he’ll bolt and that means leaving Gavin too. No, it’s best we keep an arm’s length. At least that’s what my brain is telling me, but the second he comes back, and presses a warm cloth between my legs to clean me, all common sense packs a bag and heads south for the summer.

Speaking of summer…maybe we can do this while he’s home, before he leaves for training camp—at least, that’s what I think it’s called. Gavin said something about it. I mean, that might be okay, right? He’d be leaving, but not leaving. I mean, our hook-up would be over, but he could still be Gavin’s big brother, and we could forget this ever happened. As long as it doesn’t affect Gavin…is there a problem with this?

Once I’m clean, he tugs on his T-shirt and jeans, goes to his dresser to get a clean pair of sweats and an oversized shirt for me. “This will be big, but it will be warm.”

I test my ankle as I sit, and tug on the shirt. “I’ve worn more of your clothes today than my own.”

He smiles. “I actually like seeing you in my clothes.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” I tease, but I might as well have punched him in the gut. His smile falls, and he rakes his hand through his hair, the disappointed look on his face gutting me. Jeez, what did I say? “I didn’t mean—” I begin, but he cuts me off.


I eye him, and deep in my gut—from his actions when he’s with me and his reactions to some of the things I’ve said—I’m beginning to believe more and more that I’m seeing a side of him others aren’t privy to—and that Liam has a depth few men do. “Actually yeah, and I’d like to give Nina a call to see how Gavin is doing.”


I put my feet on the floor and Liam is right there, standing before me, ready to be my legs if I need him to be. I think he might be overreacting, but I kind of like all the attention. How pathetic is that?

“How’s the ankle?” I put pressure on it, and while I’m sure I can hobble back down to the kitchen, I wince a little. “That answers my question.”

He scoops me up and I feel like a small child milking the situation just to get attention. “I can probably walk,” I admit. “But…I kind of like you carrying me.”

He laughs at that, and I’m happy to see his smile again. He carries me to the kitchen and sets me on a stool at his gigantic island.

“Your place is so big.”

He gives me a playful wink. “Big, yeah, that’s the word I like to use after sex.”

I shake my head at him, even though I’m happy this easygoing side of him is back. “Big is definitely the word to describe you,” I begin, and he lifts a brow. “Big ego.”

He chuckles and grabs a stack of menus and spreads them out in front of me. “What do you feel like having?”

Oh, maybe a Big Mac and a side of Liam.

“Everything sounds good, I’m so hungry.” He pours me a glass of water and I take a big drink, realizing how parched I am. “How about Thai?”


I glance around. “Do you have any idea what I did with my purse?” He disappears into the living room and comes back with it. “Thanks.” I fish out my phone and he gives me Nina’s number before he puts in our order.

Nina reassures me Gavin is having a blast, and I smile when I hang up. I really like Liam’s friends, and I love how they took Gavin under their wing. I just pray that I don’t do anything to screw it up, and Liam wants to be his big brother for many years to come. I was worried, but he’s proving to be a good influence, despite his reputation.

Thirty minutes later, our food arrives, and Liam sits beside me at the island as we dig in. He’s quiet and pensive and keeps casting sideways glances at me. “Something on your mind?” I ask.

He shrugs, and his warm scent falls over me. “It’s not my business, but I was wondering if Gavin’s father is in his life.”

The chicken I’d just swallowed lodges in my throat, and I take a big gulp of water to wash it down. “No, he’s not, actually.”

He nods. “Sorry to hear that.”

“I’m not.” I drag my fork through the noodles on my plate. “I don’t want Gavin around a man who could up and leave without a backward glance, and was cheating on me with a close friend, who is no longer my friend, obviously.”

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