Page 25 of The Rule Breaker

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He moves me, positioning me in his bed, and then reaches into his nightstand to pull out a condom. Nice and easy access that makes me think of how many women he’s had here before.

Nope, not going to do it.

Instead of thinking about such foolishness, I look at his taut, perfect backside as he shifts and shuts the nightstand drawer. He rips into the condom packet with his teeth, and while some may think it’s coarse and crude, it kind of turns me on all the more. Weirdo much?

But I really just don’t care. Liam is so easy to be around, so easy to be myself with. He removes the condom from the packet and groans as he sheathes himself, and I just lay there, shaking with excitement, so ready for this. It’s a bit shocking, actually. I really don’t know him, and yet I’m entrusting him with my son, and my body.

He strokes himself and I watch on with fascination at how uninhibited he is. Everything about this man tears at the layers protecting me and peels away my inhibitions. I’m never so open in the bedroom, and it’s such a shame.

His mouth finds mine as he falls over me, his big body spreading my legs as he eases himself in between my thighs. I widen for him as my heart crashes against my chest. I’m about to tell him to be gentle, that it’s been so long, when he smooths my hair from my face, and meets my eyes.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he asks, the tender understanding in his voice bringing a lump to my face.

“Yes,” I say honestly. “Been too busy with life, and my son.”

“I know.” He presses his lips to mine, and kisses me softly, slowly, as his crown breaches my opening, spreading me a little at a time. I wrap my legs around him, and he gives a tortured moan. “Trying to go slow here, Harper. That’s not helping.”

I chuckle, a breathy, needy laugh that curls around us. “Sorry. Not sorry.”

He gives me another inch and my moan deepens. “You feel so good, Harper.”

My sex muscles clench as he pushes into me, so agonizingly slow that I’m sure I’m about to combust. He stretches me in the most glorious ways. My body gives way to his, our fit so perfect it shocks me. I lift my hips to help him along, letting him know I can take all of him and that I needed every inch five minutes ago.

“Fuck me,” he growls, and with one hard thrust fills me completely. Breath leaves my lungs as he pushes against my cervix, and a strange, new kind of pleasure takes hold. “You good?” he asks, slowing to check up on me, and I love his selflessness. He might be a rule breaker, but that doesn’t mean he’s not caring. I saw that side of him with Gavin. Come to think of it, I only saw his loud side when he was entertaining a crowd, or the news crew. But I’ll have to give that deeper consideration later, when his cock isn’t inside me.

I lightly rake my nails over his back and his mouth finds mine again as he inches out of me. I lift my hips, urging him back, but he has other ideas. He puts his hand between our bodies, pinning me down as he applies pressure to my clit.

“Oh,” I say, willing to stay still if he’s going to do this to me. His fingers glide over my clit as he slides in and out of me, and even though it feels incredible, I swear to God, it’s the look on his face, a mixture of sweet torture and bliss that propels me into outer space. I clench around him and he bends to take my nipple between his teeth. He clamps down, and then licks the sting, and as pain and pleasure merge, my body once again lets go. I come around his pistoning cock, and my juices make him slick as he puts both hands under my body to grip my shoulders.

“You’ve got me right there,” he growls, his blunt strokes for him now. I lift and meet his pounding cock, his pelvis smashing against my clit, and if I didn’t know any better, I’m sure he’s going to make me climax again, but three in one night? Impossible, right? Or not.

“Liam,” I say, my brain a mushy mess of need and lust, my synapses no longer firing as nothing but pleasure exists in this realm. He hits my cervix, time after time, and before I even know what’s happening, I’m coming again as he rides me, hard, fast, prolonging my orgasm as his approaches. He thickens

inside me. “I feel you,” I cry out as I clench around him, never before having a full body climax and not really even knowing if they existed. Oh, but they do exist and it took this man to teach me that.

He pushes hard and deep and throws his head back, a deep guttural sound in his throat as he comes with me, coming high inside my body. I shatter around him, my entire body shaking like I’d just come from the rinse cycle, and when it stops, I collapse into a quivering mess of pleasure, a goofy smile on my face. He goes still and falls over me, sealing our moist bodies as he breathes against my neck, hot labored pants that speak of pure satisfaction. I smile, unable to contain the happiness welling up inside me.

Our breathing settles and he lifts himself, his eyes meeting mine, assessing me, asking questions that I’m not sure I know answers to. “Are you okay?”

My God, I’m not sure I’ll ever be okay again, and if I could go back in time and shake some sense into the me from an hour ago, I would. Why the hell did I agree to only one night? I guess the me from an hour ago had no idea this would be so fantastic, and dammit, I want more.

“I’m good,” I say. “Actually, I’m better than good.”

“You might not be so good in a second,” he says, and my entire body stiffens, my bliss disappearing in a puff.

“What?” I ask, and try to scramble backward, but he pins me with his impressive weight. What on earth does he mean? Was I not as good as he thought I’d be? Did I not live up to his expectations? Judging by the look on his face, however, I’d say those worries are for nothing.

“I fucked up,” he said.

“What did you do?” Oh, God, he didn’t lose the condom, did he? I can’t get pregnant. Not with his child. He does not have long term about him, and neither of us are looking for that.

“I liked it too much,” he says, an adorable grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

A laugh bubbles up inside me. “You’re crazy.”

“Hey,” he teases. “I’ve been called worse.”

“I’m sure you have, and well, if we’re being honest here, I might have liked it too much too.”

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