Page 24 of The Rule Breaker

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“Harper,” I whisper. Women have gone down on me in the past, and I’ve always liked it, so I’m not so sure why I’m practically singing gospel—and I’m not a holy man—simply because she has her lush pink lips wrapped around me. “That’s too good.”

My head falls forward and she inches back, her mouth open, my cock resting on her bottom lip. “Want me to stop?” she teases, her words jumbled, barely comprehensible with my cock right there.

“Yes,” I say even though it’s killing me to stop her.

She goes completely still and my cock falls from her mouth, and the almost humiliated look on her face guts me. “You don’t like it. I knew—”

“Harper. Don’t. You are fucking amazing. I can’t even tell you how hard it is for me to stop you, but you need to understand something. I want to take care of you.” I gather all my strength, carefully pull her to her feet and nudge her until she’s sitting on the bed. She blinks up at me, her cheeks flushed, so goddamn pretty my heart is ready to explode. “I don’t come before you. Simple as that.”


“Now, spread your legs. I want to see you.”

She swallows, excitement dancing in her eyes. Hands on her thighs, she widens her legs, and her pussy lips open to reveal the prettiest shade of pink I’ve ever set eyes on. Her dampness glistens in the overhead light, and I know in an instant that after one taste, she’s going to be an addiction I can’t quit. But we only have tonight, and I’ll have to take my fill of her and pray it’s enough.

I tear my gaze away from her hot pussy, and meet her eyes. “I’ve wanted my mouth on you from the second I met you.”

Those blue eyes widen, almost surprised, and I shake my head. “You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”

“I…don’t always feel beautiful,” she says honestly. “Most times I’m just trying to figure out how to juggle everything and make it through the day.”

My heart squeezes at her v

ulnerability, and I drop before her, putting my hands over hers. I plan to help her, be there for her in the day, and tonight. “Right now, I don’t want you to think. I just want you to feel, want you to let me take care of you.”

She doesn’t say anything. Instead, she sits there blinking up at me, and I lower my head to press my mouth to the needy spot between her legs. I lick her, and her flavor explodes on my tongue, and her hands rake through my hair. I love the way she tastes, and the ways she greedily touches me.

I lick and suck and pull her swollen clit into my mouth, and the whole time, she is writhing beneath me, needy and eager, like she hasn’t been touched in a long time, like I’m breaking some long drought that has been sucking the life out of her. I hate that she’s been going without, almost as much as I like that she’d chosen me to break her dry spell with.

I move my face around, eat at her, and slide one finger into her tightness. She vibrates around me and I can hardly believe how close she is to erupting all over my finger and mouth. I glance up at her, and hunger builds inside me as she puts her hands behind her on the bed, and lifts her hips, banging her sex against my face.

“Touch your breasts,” I say, and she sits up a bit straighter to take them into her hands. “Fuck, you’re something.”

Her lids fall shut, and I go back to giving her what she needs, what we both need, because I swear I need to pleasure this woman more than I’ve ever needed anything in my entire fucking life.

Why the fuck isn’t that scaring me?



I can barely catch my breath, let alone think or even see straight as the man between my legs puts his finger inside me, stroking deeply, thoroughly, his deft tongue ravaging my swollen clit.

“My God, Liam,” I cry out, and every time I say his name, moan, or show him how much I’m enjoying it, it seems to drive him to more, like my pleasure is paramount, and I have to say, I’ve not been with many men, but this is the first time a guy has really brought his A-game, and wanted to put me first.

A girl could get used to this, but we both agreed to one night and I straight up told him I couldn’t do more. Not that he wanted more, but I just needed for us to both be in the same head space. Sex and relationships are two very different things.

He inserts another finger and all thoughts dissipate as pleasure grows, spreads, and overtakes my entire body. A keening sound catches in my throat and I’m sure I can hear mumbled curses as I completely let go, focusing on nothing but the pleasure peaking and breaking between my legs. More curses reach my ears as I rake my hands through his mess of hair and shamelessly hold him to me, buck against his face even—God, this is so not like me—as I come and come and come some more.

My spasms finally die down, and his head lifts. A small smile touches his mouth, but he’s no more in control of himself than I am. He might be pretending he’s all cool and collected, but his body is shaking, his breathing shallow, his cock rock hard, raring to go. I like that I can do this to him, although I’m not more special than any other woman he’s been with, no matter what he says. He’s a red-blooded male in his prime, and a raging hockey player at that. Fucking is their number one hobby. Nevertheless, the last time I orgasmed with such ferociousness was…never.

He falls over my body, his cock pressing hard against my thigh. “I love the taste of you,” he says and buries his mouth in the crook of my neck, the wetness on his face dampening my skin. His breath is fiery hot against my flesh, scorching me from the inside out. I slide my hands around his back and take pleasure in his rippling muscles.

His mouth finds mine, and his kiss is hungry, filled with raw need, and I might have just orgasmed, but another round of heat races through me, bringing arousal with it.

“I want you inside me,” I tell him.

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” he answers, his rough and raspy voice raking over my skin and bringing a deeper need to my body.

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