Page 8 of Dirty Politics

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Will nodded.

“Are you ready to eat?” Elizabeth said. “I think they just put out the food in the dining room.”

“I’m starving,” Will said.

They all sat down around the table in the dining room residence of the White House. Even though his brother had been President for over a year, Will couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe every time he came to the White House.

“Things online aren’t looking great for you. That NokNok girl really has it out for you,” James said. “What the hell is going on with that?”

Will groaned while cutting his steak. He had been hoping to avoid the subject, so he stuffed a piece of steak in his mouth and shrugged.

“I don’t get why they are mad at you,” Elizabeth said. “You don’t have anything to do

with Carson.”

“It just keeps getting worse,” Will said. He cut his steak aggressively.

“Chill out - it’s already dead,” James said, pointing to Will’s steak.

Will dropped his knife and sighed. “It’s taking so much time away from the work I

need to get done.”

“You seemed to have really pissed off this woman,” James said with a laugh.

“That’s an understatement,” Will said. He bristled at the thought of her.Why did she

have to be so difficult? How hard is it to understand we are, in fact, on the same side?

“Things are only getting worse for you,” James said. “They want to see action; not just interviews.”

“I think the solution is obvious,” Elizabeth said, taking a sip of her red wine.

“What is that?” Will said, his head pounding.

“You need to hire her.”

“What?” Will said, his body stiffened. “You must be kidding me.”

There is no way in hell I’m going to spend every day with that obnoxious, entitled, delusional woman in my office.

“It makes sense,” James said, spearing a green bean. “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

“Weren’t you just complaining to us about how your social media person had taken a job at Infinity?” Elizabeth said with a smile. “Sounds like we could kill two birds with one stone.”

Will closed his eyes.Over my dead body.

“Sounds like the perfect solution,” James said. “You’ve got bigger things on your plate right now, Will. Take the easy way out.”

This is NOT going to be easy. Nothing about Liv Dalton is easy.


“Eek!” Steph shrieked, jumping up and down.

“They set up a meeting!” Ben said. “You are going to sit down with Senator Sterling.

“Again,” Liv said.

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