Page 8 of Bridge of Souls

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“Oh, sweetheart.” He slides his firm touch up to my elbow. “I’d be scared if you weren’t. This is crazy stuff. Not that growing up as part demon in the Tinseltown limelight hasn’t been, but most of that was woven into your existence since you learned to walk and talk. You’ve had a lot of years to adjust. Hecate handed you this revelation less than twenty-four hours ago—afterHades tried to send LA sliding into the ocean. You’ve had a lot on your mental plate.”

I chuckle now, but still without mirth. “A giant trip to the emotional buffet.”

“No wonder you don’t know where to bite next.”

At last, a smile kicks up one end of my mouth as I lift my gaze—across every inch of his magnificent chest. Those broad and glorious planes are never a sight for sore eyes, but mine are outright achy as his broad, muscled beauty takes over a few of my exhausted thoughts. I actually try to fight the pull, but it’s a losing quest.

As I hope, the man’s expression gains some new meaning of its own. His eyelids lower over the lagoon blue in his gaze. His jaw tightens. His lips part.

And there’s more.

The very best parts of this moment.

The instant that I watch his nipples harden and his biceps curl…as his fingers dig into the flesh at the back of my elbow.

I release a long, husky sigh. And I was fighting this…why?

“Who am I to let the love of my life go hungry?”

His raspy growl excites my every pore. His commanding grip compels me forward. I follow without thinking, filling my breaths with his leathery library essence, though there’s still enough smoke in his hair to remind me how far we’ve come in just a few weeks.

So much life between us already. So muchafterlife. Who else in this world, or any other, can assert it and mean it? But our journey to hell and back has only made me recognize the depth of my love for this extraordinary man. This devastating demigod. The love I’ll fight for in this existence and all others.

But right now, his eyes aren’t beseeching me to fight. Not anymore.

And I’m past the point of grateful.

I’m starving.

“You offering anything I’m craving, Professor Kane?”

I gloat a little, watching how my purposeful formality causes tantalizing shivers down his massive form. In so many ways, including his take-charge affection now, he’s been my rock. But for once, for just these few moments before the world forces us out of this shelter again, I want to makehisknees weak. I wanthimto be fortified, strengthened, renewed.

He starts to get the meaning as soon as I move over him, rolling his broad frame back into the pillows.

“I…guess that depends on the essence of your avidity, Miss Valari.”

I dip my face in, lowering a tongue-heavy kiss to his sleek lips. “You trying to turn me on with big words?”

His chuckle is low and lovely. “Hmmm. Perhaps.”

I spear him with a narrowed glare. My hand forms a V against his jaw. “Well, it’s working.”

His eyebrows dance. “In that case…Obfuscate. Imbroglio. Susurrant.”

“Ohhh. You had me atimbroglio.”

He laughs again, though I chop off the last of it with another kiss. One that’s again full of my demanding tongue, yet so much more. My thanks to him. My desire for him. My connection to him. The fusion that I need now more than ever. The same urgency I feel in his touch, at first skating along my flesh but growing into more adamant presses and gropes. Touches that brand fresh fire into my skin and new lust through my veins.

It’s here.

Stronger than ever before.

The power of our bond. The burst in my senses, unlike anything I’ve known with anyone else, except when I’m this bare and raw with him.

This exposed to him.

This empowered by him.

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