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“That’s good.” She held her hand up. “Paper me.”

Some paper landed in her palm and she managed to wipe herself clean without opening her eyes. Then he helped her stand and rearrange her pajama bottoms.

It was while he was holding her up with an arm around her waist, his other hand washing hers, that she started to shiver. The shivers changed to trembles. Her teeth began knocking together and it felt like she was having a seizure.

“Twink? What is it?”

“I nearly died.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” he crooned.

Then she found herself being lowered. Somehow, she thought she was sitting in his lap. Her body continued to shake, though, and try as she might, she couldn’t open her eyes.

“Papa!” she cried out, needing him. Needing him to hold her, anchor her, to make everything awful go away even though she knew that wasn’t possible.

“Want me to get Daddy?” he asked in a rough voice.

“Don’t leave me!” Yeah, she wanted Brick, but she wanted him too.

“Skin,” she found herself begging, knowing he’d understand.

There was some shifting, he let her go and she let out a cry.

“Shh,” he soothed. “I’m pulling my top up.”

And then her right cheek was pressed to his bare chest. Finally, she was able to open her eyes and she grabbed hold of his top, which he’d bunched under his arms.

Her breaths came in sharp gasps. The panic was almost like a living, breathing dragon inside her, threatening to claw its way out. Xavier rocked her, letting her breathe in his scent, surround herself with him.

“It’s okay, Twink. Take what you need. I’m here.”

“I nearly died.”

“I know, sweetheart. But you know that Brick and I wouldn’t let that happen, right? You’re safe with us. We’ll take care of you. Pretty sure that Brick isn’t going to let you out of the house for the next fifty years to achieve that, but . . .”

She let out a small bark of laughter, shocked she could manage it. “Maybe you can talk some sense into him.”

“Me? I’ll be right there supporting him.”



“I can’t stay in the house for the next fifty years. I deserve time out for good behavior at least.”

“Those times will be few and far apart.”

So rude.

She rubbed her face against his warm, smooth chest. His scent was one she knew as well as her own. The urge to lick him came over her and she did it without thinking.

Xavier made a choking noise. “Did you . . . did you just lick me?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Well, I suppose you might have thought I was lickable,” he mused.

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