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Double damn.

She woke up feeling groggy and out of it

A groan escaped her as her bladder told her that she couldn’t go back to sleep like she wanted. That she had to get up and go to the toilet unless she wanted to make a hell of a mess.

Not for the first time, she thought that wearing a diaper could make life a lot easier sometimes.

“Twink? You okay?” Xavier asked.

“Gots to go,” she managed to mumble, not caring who heard her. She hadn’t even made sure that she was alone with Xavier.

When a girl had to go, she had to go.

“All right, let’s get you up.” To her surprise, instead of hauling her onto her feet, he lifted her with one arm under her thighs and the other around her back.

Then she was set down on her feet. She swayed and two hands landed on her hips.

“Jesus, you’re out of it, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

“Where’s Daddy?” she muttered.

“Asleep. Do you want me to wake him? Do you need him?”

There was a funny note in Papa’s voice, but she couldn’t figure it out. She leaned her forehead against his chest. “No, let Daddy sleep. Juliet gots to pee.”

He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “Never heard you refer to yourself in the third person.”

“Papa,” she complained. “Pee.”

“Right, sorry. I’m going to help you, okay?”

Well, yeah. Duh. That’s why she was leaning on him. Wasn’t like she could stand on her own. Or figure out how her clothing worked. Stupid clothing.


“I’m getting your panties down, Twink,” he said, sounding amused.

“What’s I wearing?”

“Your mermaid pajamas,” he replied.

Oh, because she was home. She remembered that now. She’d had to spend twenty-four hours in the hospital. A lot of that time, she’d slept. But when she hadn’t slept, she mostly complained about being in the hospital. She’d begged both of them to let her go home. And she’d even lost her temper once, throwing a bit of a tantrum. Which was embarrassing to think about now.

There was cool air on her butt then she was being directed back. She still couldn’t be bothered opening her eyes.

“Pee, Twink,” he commanded.

“Hold your horses,” she replied. “You can pee after me. I gots to go.”

“I know,” he told her, with such affection in his voice it made her smile. She thought it was probably a droopy, silly sort of smile. “That’s why you’re on the toilet.”

“I’m sitting on the toilet? Good. Cause I really gotta go.”

He laughed and her smile widened as she peed. So good. “Why you laughing, Papa?”

“Because you’re cute.”

“I am?”

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