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“Kiesha isn’t just an employee—” he started to say.

“Yes, I can see that.”

He narrowed his gaze, holding back the need to snap at her. They weren’t all robots.

Not fair.

Yeah, this woman was closed off. Very closed off. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have feelings. And just because she was being rude, didn’t mean he had to be the same.

It was tempting, though.

“Why are you here, Agent James?”

Her eyes flared at his cool, formal tone. He was certain that it wasn’t lost on her that he’d gone back to calling her Agent James. He could be professional.

If anything her stance grew stiffer. Her back was ramrod straight, her legs pressed together and her hands were folded on her lap. It boggled his mind that this was the same woman who’d melted into him when they’d kissed.

She looked so prim and proper. He wondered what she’d do if he took her hair down and ordered her to never pin it up.

That night, he’d managed to pull it free of its confines. It was so long that it had nearly reached her ass. And it had smelled like strawberries.

Fuck. Don’t think about that. She’d likely knee you in the nuts if you made demands like that.

Yeah. He could see that. She looked to be contemplating doing that right now.

“Guessing things are a bi

t different in the FBI.” He put some drawl into his voice. He’d dealt with people from different agencies before. FBI. Treasury. DEA. They often thought they were superior to a small-town sheriff.

If she thought he’d just sit here and let her look down on him, then she had another thought coming.

“Yes,” she said quietly. “Very different.”

He stared at her, somewhat puzzled by her. She’d sounded almost sad. There had been a hint of something. Longing?

Why couldn’t he get a proper read on her? She seemed like the type to never step out of the lines. Everything about her appeared repressed and highly strung. He had no problem with dealing with her frosty attitude and disapproval. Wasn’t like she was a part of his life. She’d leave as quickly as she came.

But for some reason, the idea of her being sad upset him.

He had to push that feeling down deep.

“What can I do for you?” he asked formally.

She blinked at him a moment, as though she was confused about what she was doing here.

He cleared his throat. “You came to me.”

“Yes, of course. Obviously, I came here for a reason.”

What was he missing here? Something. But he couldn’t figure out what. And the puzzle that was Georgina James was annoying him.

“And that is?” he asked in a gentler voice. There was definitely something off with her. Maybe she hadn’t meant to come across as judgmental and cold.

“I wanted to ask you if you’ve had any further information regarding the disappearance of Saber and Tiger Mason.”

Right, just as he’d thought. He didn’t know what had happened to Tiger and Saber.

The Devil’s Sinners had quickly left Wishingbone after Saber fled town. Which he was more than thankful about. It was hard enough keeping the crazy residents of this town safe, without adding in a violent gang.

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