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“There haven’t been any sightings of Tiger and Saber. My guess is that if they’re still alive they’ll be somewhere regrouping. If I was you, I’d be looking at the Devil’s Kings since they’ve got ties to them.”

He didn’t understand why she was here, since she knew all this. Tiger and Saber hadn’t been seen since that night. Saber’s brother ran the Devil’s Kings, it only made sense he’d go back there to lick his wounds.

“You don’t think they’re still alive?”

“I’m not sure. You know as much as I do.”

“There were reports of a fight between the Devil’s Sinners and some unknown men. You’ve found out nothing about that?” she snapped.

His temper unfurled. It was slow to ignite, but when it got going then it could also take a long time to extinguish.

“There is nothing I know that you don’t, Agent James.”

She stood and smoothed down her pants. “I can see there was little point in me coming here.”

“Certainly nothing that warranted a trip out here. I’m sure you’ve got far more important things to do. Next time, feel free to just pick up the phone or better yet, send an email if you want an update about nothing.”

She was facing away from him, her body stiff with tension. “Yes. That’s true. Perhaps an email would have been a better idea. I’ll do that in the future.”

Damn it.

“That’s it? That’s all you came here for? To ask me about Saber and Tiger Mason?” Fuck. Why did he go and say that?

“Of course.” She turned and gave him a cool look. “What other reason could there be?”

Fuck. Yep, she was cold. “Then if that’s all, I’ve got work to do.”

Something flared in her eyes, something he couldn’t understand. Then she left. He stared after her for a long moment before turning his gaze away. What the hell was he missing? There was something going on and he wasn’t connecting the dots.

“She’s sad.”

He glanced up to find Kiesha standing there in the doorway. She was frowning slightly.

“What?” he asked.

“FBI lady, she’s sad. You can see it in her eyes.”

He sighed. “Really? You can see it in her eyes?”

“And her clothes. Only someone who was really sad would wear such sad clothing. Classic case of the outside reflecting what’s on the inside.”

He rubbed his temples. What he needed was a vacation. He’d go to the city, book himself into Hotel Sixty, which had a BDSM club on the basement level. He hadn’t been there in a while. That might be why he was so tense. He needed to relax. There, he could find one of the club subs to play with. Maybe he’d even find a Little to spend some time with.

Yep, that’s what he needed.

A break away.


“I was going to be a psychologist, you know. I minored in it at college. You should listen to me. That woman is really sad. She needs someone to remind her that life is for living. Not for fading into the background.”

“She’s an FBI agent, I hardly think she fades into the background,” he protested.

“Not talking about when she’s working. I wonder if she has any friends.” She tapped her chin with her finger. Fuck, that was her thinking pose. Kiesha thinking? Disaster. “Maybe I could be her friend.”

Nope. Shit.

“She doesn’t live here,” he said hastily. Thank God.

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