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He sighed. Lord. Give him strength.

“Please, sit down. Can I get you anything?” he asked.

“No, thank you.” Her face never changed expression. Damn, she was hard to read. Did she even remember the kiss they’d shared?

He left the room and stormed over to Kiesha’s desk. “You’re supposed to announce people before they hit my office.”

She glared up at him and pulled the blue sucker from her mouth. “Maybe if I’d been wearing my roller skates, I could have gotten to your office quick enough to announce her.”

He closed his eyes and counted to three. Then he counted to ten. It still wasn’t enough. He opened his eyes to give her a firm look.

“You’re still wearing your roller skates.”

Kiesha shrugged. “Well, I can’t take them off. I didn’t bring any shoes with me today.”

“Kiesha. Don’t push me too far,” he warned. Placing his hands on the desk, he leaned in close to her.

Something crossed her face. A look he didn’t like. Fuck. He found himself caving.

“The roller skates can stay, unless there are any accidents. Understand?”

“I never have accidents.”

“But if you’re going outside with them on,” he continued as though she hadn’t spoken. “Then you need to wear a helmet.”

She opened her mouth. Closed it. He reached out and grasped hold of her chin. “Understand? And no speeding down any hills and rushing across the road without checking first. I know that Jonny Jacks nearly ran you down yesterday because you flew out in front of him.”

“Jonny Jacks,” she muttered grouchily. “What a tattletale. I’ll have helmet hair, though. How will that look when I’m the face of the cop shop?”

Face of the cop shop? Really?

“I think we can all live with you having helmet hair,” he said dryly. Better than a brain injury. He straightened.

“Want me to bring you and the FBI lady any coffee?”

“No, we’re good. Thanks,” he replied dryly.

“I live to serve, boss man,” she said cheerfully.

Sure she did. She lived to embarrass him. That he was certain of. She was brought here as a trial of his patience. So far it was Kiesha: 2567, Ed: 0.

He turned towards his office, stilling when he saw Georgina standing there, watching him and Kiesha. Embarrassment filled him until he saw her grimace and look away. He paused. She looked like she was in pain. That was interesting. That was one of the few real reactions he’d ever seen from her. Not that he knew her well. Which is why he really had no right to be angry with her for leaving.

Wasn’t like they’d promised anything to each other. He let out his breath, trying to push away any remaining annoyance with her.

Professional. They were colleagues. He wasn’t sure why she was here, but it had to be work-related. She’d been here a few months back as part of a task force trying to take down Saber Mason, the leader of the Devil’s Sinners gang. Unfortunately, they hadn’t apprehended him or his son, Tiger. Both of them were missing. But they had arrested Saber’s girlfriend, Rosalind, who had been laundering money through her beauty salons for the Devil’s Sinners. So he guessed it was likely something to do with that still-open case.

He moved into the office, shutting the door. “Please, Agent James, take a seat.”

“Call me Georgina.”

She sat. He moved around his desk to sit as well. Shoot. There were still drops of coffee everywhere from where he’d spat it out.

“Georgina, I really am sorry about that. We aren’t always that unprofessional.”

“Yes, I suppose it’s difficult to remain professional for you.”

What the fuck did that mean? Was this because he’d kissed her while they’d been working? But she’d kissed him back. What gave her the right to be so judgmental? He ground his teeth together.

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