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“So,” he says as he strolls further toward the couch. He's close enough for me to catch a wisp of that enticing cologne. “Are you back for good?”

“Yes. But for Callie.” I clarify.

Sebastian nods. He flicks his wrist to check the time and meets my gaze with a rueful one.

“I wish I could stay and chat. But I have to be on my way.”

I'm a little sad to see him go because I will not be here when he returns.

However, Sebastian does return before I leave the mansion. It's midmorning. Callie and I look up to find him at the door of the den. I’m a little shocked. I did not anticipate seeing him. He looks between me and Callie. It's the first time I've witnessed him look unsure of himself.

“Hi, dad.” Callie smiles.

Sebastian flashes her a grin.

“Hello, princess.”

His eyes find mine again.

“Can I steal your teacher for a second?”

Callie glares.

“You can't. We have to finish this. It isn't time for our break yet.”

Sebastian's eyes widen in realization. Callie loves routine and hates it when we try to swerve away from it.

“Your father and I will talk when it's time for us to take a little break. Alright?”

Callie nods, and I shoot Sebastian an apologetic smile.

When our break time rolls around, I seek Sebastian out and find him in his personal study. He’s typing away on a laptop.

“Hello,” I say as I step further into the room and look around.

I'm hit with a strong sense of Déjà Vu that I can't shake. The memories cascade through me, and I shake my head as if doing so will shake them off.

“Paislee.” His tone is breathy, and he leans against the chair he sits on. He runs his gaze over me. Up, down, and then up again.

“I got the feeling you want to speak with me,” I ask, ignoring the little shudder that goes through me.

Sebastian nods.

“Please sit down.”

I take the seat next to him.

Sebastian looks at me seriously and then says, “I called Mr. Beatles and convinced him to give you your old job back. But not with money this time,” he quickly adds when I narrow my eyes at him. I stare at him, a little confused but pleased by the length he's going to show how sorry he truly is. “…because you were wrongfully terminated. It was all my doing. I want to make things right.”

I look away from Sebastian, shocked when the thought of returning to Dalton Elementary School does not excite me. I enjoy teaching and caring for Callie. Plus I understand that going back will mean giving up on teaching and nannying Callie.

I return my eyes to his expectant face and shake my head slowly.

“I don't think I want to go back to Dalton Elementary School,” I tell him truthfully.

Sebastian looks confused.

“You don't?”

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