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Iget up very early and prepare to go to Sebastian’s home. Meghan's words from the day before actually started to get to me. I also miss Callie a little too much.

I put on my favorite black pencil skirt and a button-up. I don’t forget to apply my favorite lipstick as well.

When I arrive at Sebastian's mansion, I find his car out front. I ring the doorbell, and Rose answers the door. Her eyes widen and she steps forward to give me a big hug.

“I missed you.” She tells me with a huge smile.

I peck her on the cheeks with a giggle.

“I missed you too, Rose.”

She steps back to let me in. I walk into the spacious living room, my eyes darting around. Everything pretty much looks the same. I don't know why I expected things to be different.

“How is Callie?”

“She is well. She’s missed you.”

“Aww,” I say. “I’ve missed her too.”

I look toward the stairs in the direction of Sebastian's room, and my heart skips a beat.

“I'm hoping Callie will not be opposed to picking up right where we left off.”

Rose chuckles.

“I don’t think she will have any problem with that.”

I chuckle. Rose goes up to call Callie, and I settle on the couch.

I start to giggle as footsteps descend the stairs like baby elephants having a fun stampede. Callie nearly pushes me off the couch with the big hug she gives me.

“Oh my God, Miss Donovan,” she says when she steps back. “I thought I'd never see you again.”

I giggle.

“I'm not dead. Of course you’d see me.”

Callie grins.

“I'm glad you are here. Are we going to get on with our lessons?”

I open my mouth to tease Callie but shut it when I hear someone descend the stairs. I turn toward the direction of the sound to find Sebastian ready to leave for work in a navy-blue suit. He looks great as always. I hate how he still manages to make my heart flutter by just existing.

“Dad, Paislee is back! You were wrong.” Callie announces as she begins to run upstairs. “She wants to be in our lives after all.”

I arch a brow in Sebastian's direction, and an embarrassed hue colors his cheeks. I think it's the cutest thing I am ever going to see. Callie never lets us forget how direct she is.

I chuckle as Sebastian walks toward me. I can't help but run my gaze over that perfect form. Mentally undressing him out of those clothes, knowing how good he looks out of them. As my eyes meet his, I find light amusement in their depths.

“This never gets old.” He chuckles.

“Well, I am a woman who appreciates good things,” I reply honestly.

I can't believe I'm flirting with Sebastian. God, I'm shameless.

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