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When I look away, Sebastian lightly brushes his hands against my cheeks to demand my attention. I am suffused with warmth. My body, which has grown accustomed to his touch, becomes alert. I return my gaze to him. I’m unable to look away from those eyes filled with tender care, regret, and passion.

Sebastian’s hazel eyes have turned a light gold, and I know for certain that I have never witnessed a more beguiling sight.

"When I met Charlotte, I was certain I was never going to love another woman. She was everything I'd wanted and more. But death snatched her from me. I was left grappling with the loss of my wife and raising the child we made together. I had no time for anything else. But then you walked into my life, and everything changed. I was pretty much convinced that I hated you. I wanted to because you——without me knowing——posed a threat to my heart. I wanted you, and I hated that I did."

Sebastian pauses and takes my hand in his, his fingers running over my knuckles tenderly.

"That want turned into a need. I needed you in my life. I did not ask Mr. Beatles to let go of you solely for Callie's sake. I wanted you for myself too. I was being selfish and self-absorbed. As a spoiled billionaire who is used to getting what he wanted, I wanted you. I was doing everything I could to get you."

I close my eyes because I feel overwhelmed. Sebastian has never explained himself so earnestly. When we lock eyes again, there's a healthy amount of regret and pain in his eyes.

"I'll never forgive myself for what I did. You might never forgive me either. But please, Paislee. Don't take it out on Callie. She misses you so much and wants you back."

I nod. Sebastian perks up slightly, looking unbelievably hopeful.

"Will you come back?"

"Yes. But only to teach Callie."

Sebastian nods as if he's ready to settle with whatever he can get.

We get up to pay the bill and I realize that Sebastian did not drink from his cup of coffee either. When Meghan returns that evening, I tell her everything. I am unable to keep it to myself any longer. Meghan is completely shellshocked.

"Are you truly serious?"

I nod.

“Why don't you want to go back?”

“I am still bruised from where he stabbed me, Meghan. It's not going to be easy to forget that the man I fell for tried to sabotage my career.”

“Only because he didn't know any better,” Meghan says.

“Are you defending him now?”

“We've all done shady things, Paislee. We are not without bad records. From the conversation you two appeared to have in the diner, he sounds truly apologetic.”

I nod because it’s true. It had taken everything in me to not get up and wrap my arms around him. Sebastian looked sad when we parted.

I shut my eyes against the ache in my chest.

“Why don't you focus on all the wonderful things he has done and not how he got you out of a job that was barely footing your bills?”

I scowl at Meghan.

“What I was earning is not the point.”

“To me, it is. Your direct superior was snotty. The pay was horrible, and you were barely managing to keep your head above water. Sebastian comes into the picture to get you out of that job, and ensures you get better pay. The man didn't even stop there. He went ahead and gave you a room to live there too. So the money you were earning only existed to fatten your bank account. Did he stop there? No. He went right ahead to relieve you of the day's stress nearly every night by giving you the best fucking orgasms—"

“Meghan!” I exclaim and roll my eyes. “Did you have to go there?”

“Well it's the truth. You said so yourself.”

Meghan drops onto the couch next to me and takes my hands in hers. She looks more serious than ever.

“Take it from someone who has lost faith in humanity. Sebastian isn't the bad guy here. If you look closely, you will find that he has no devilish intentions. All he wanted was for his kid to be happy and well cared for. Even though we cannot ignore that he took something from you, we should not forget that he replaced it with something far better. Please, think about this carefully.”

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