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Hurt crosses Sebastian's eyes. I look away from them and out the window, struggling to shake off the feelings of guilt that flood me.

"I want to talk about something else."

He nods for me to go ahead. We both haven't touched our cups of coffee. I pick mine up, warming my palms with it.

"I am pregnant,” I announce, glad my voice doesn't quiver. I've said these words to reflect over and over.

Sebastian looks completely shocked. I watch as his eyes move from my stomach, half covered by the table, to my face.

"You're pregnant?" He asks as if he needs to ensure he hadn't incorrectly heard. Or maybe he wants to hear the words on his tongue.

I nod.

Sebastian blinks. I look away.

"How did it—?"

"It just happened," I say, feeling a little ashamed that I had not taken precautions. I should have known to protect myself when Sebastian failed to do so. He is as much to blame as I am, which is why we are going to have to find a way around it.

"That's unexpected."

"It is. But not unwelcome," I reply, looking down at my still flat stomach. It's a wonder how quickly I have fallen in love with the new life growing inside me.

I look up again and fix Sebastian with a stare.

"I want to know whether you want to be in this child's life."

Sebastian looks at me as if I just announced that the sky is green.

“Did you really have to ask that? Of course, I want to be in my child's life.”

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I am happy that at least that aspect is dealt with and over. Now, I have to think of getting a new job and prepare for his or her arrival.

“So, how are we going to go about this?”

"I'm not returning to your mansion." I make that clear. I don't want the live-in arrangement anymore. "You made it very obvious what my position is in your life. I don't want to go back to that, Sebastian; being only a woman who warms your bed at night—"

"You were not only that to me." He tells me in a soft tone. "Perhaps that was the case at first.” He continues. "But was I the only one who thought our friendship morphed into something more? I was excited to come home to you and Callie. I was happy to do just about anything with you. It didn't have to be just sex; it wasn't. At least for me."

Sebastian's words move me, and I find myself trying to center myself. So, I raise my cup to my lips.

"Don't," Sebastian says.

I arch my brows at him. He looks at the coffee in my hands as if it's poison.

"You can't drink that anymore."

I gaze at him, perplexed.

Sebastian self-consciously looks out the window and back at me.

"When Charlotte was pregnant with Callie, we read up on everything we needed to know about pregnancy. We learned that caffeine was a bad idea."

I drop the cup on the table instantly. There is so much I am going to have to learn. I don't know whether to feel a little intimidated by Sebastian's wider knowledge of the subject or merely lucky that I have him by my side.

"There's so much I need to learn."

"We can do this together." He tells me, eyes pleading.

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