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“Baron Chesset,” Sebastian says as he drops my hands to shake Baron's. He then makes introductions without blinking. “Meet Paislee Donovan. Paislee, this is the man of the hour. Our kind host, Baron Chesset.”

Even though Sebastian does not explain the nature of our relationship, the group of three men shake my hand with no questions asked.

“It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you too,” I reply with a smile.

“I hear you acquired the skyscraper in midtown.” Baron states, his tone slightly envious. “You're a real force, Vaughn.” He says with admiration.

Sebastian shrugs off the compliment like it means nothing.

“When you want something, you do all you can to get it.”

He turns to me, and I notice that deeply contained hunger again in the depths of his eyes.

“It's going to be a long night.” He says to me in a low tone, then turns back to the men and continues to converse with them about stocks, investments, and then climate change. It's an array of topics I struggle to keep up with. I'm an art teacher. I don't spend time in boardrooms like these men.

As if Sebastian begins to sense my boredom, he looks at me and says, “Would you like to go mingle with the ladies?”

I look around, not recognizing one person. But why would I? These are the richest of the rich. The wives of men far above my social status.

“I think I'll just use the bathroom. I don’t know anyone here.”

Sebastian nods.

“I just want to make an appearance. We’ll leave soon.”

I nod and step away from him, moving towards the far corner of the room with a door. Before I can get there, a woman lays a hand on my arm and gives me a smile that looks a little too fake to be genuine.

“Hello, dear.”

Her voice drips with the formality and accent that only the rich and snotty folks have been able to perfect.

“Hello,” I say to the woman whose hair is twisted into a complicated hairdo. Although it is being held in an obscure position marvelously.

“You are with Sebastian Vaughn, right?”

I nod with a confused smile, wondering what she's getting at.

She gives a low chuckle.

“That's great. For once, it's good to see him bring a woman to this sort of event.”

I let out a relieved laugh. I was almost afraid that she was going to tell me how I was the latest notch on his bedpost. With my luck, she’d ruin my entire evening just as it happens in movies.

“Sebastian and I are not involved,” I tell the woman, who looks a little confused. “I, um...” I say as I begin to look around like I need saving.

Why did I open my big mouth?

The woman is still looking at me, her gaze curious.

“I am Callie's personal tutor and nanny. Sebastian and I have only been well acquainted.”

The woman, who still seems confused by my explanation, shakes her head.

“That's not what I see.”

“What do you see?” I ask, suddenly curious.

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