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“I see the way he looks at you. And like I said, since Charlotte died, Sebastian stopped attending these sorts of events with a plus one.”

“Charlotte?” I question.

Was Charlotte his late wife?

“You don't know about Charlotte?” The woman asks with a frown.

I shake my head no.

The woman shakes her head pitifully.

“Well, I think I'll leave that for Sebastian to share. I don't think it's my place either. Charlotte was a dear friend of mine, and I miss her every day.” The woman says and begins to walk away.

“Wait,” I call out as I hurry after her. “I did not catch your name.”

“Laura,” The woman smiles and moves to a group of women.

I am stunned for a few seconds but decide to make my way again to the bathroom.

When I return, Sebastian is talking to a separate group of men. He seems to be the center of attention with all the other men appearing to hang off his every word. I don't find it strange. I, too, have been captivated by him on numerous occasions.

I don't move toward him like I want to. Instead, I introduce myself to the little crowd and try to mingle. I’m trying desperately to ignore the words of Laura from earlier. But it's almost impossible.

Has Sebastian really been mourning the death of his wife for that long? Is what we have serious enough for him to want to move past her absence in his life?

I make halfhearted attempts at conversation. I feel awkward amid women who are talking about the latest makeup trends and fashion items.

I finally catch Sebastian's eyes from across the room and see him give a subtle nod towards the door. I breathe a sigh of relief and follow him out, but not before I bid a couple of the women goodbye.

“Well, that was nice,” I say after he opens the car door for me and gets into the driver's side.

“Chesset is an old friend of mine. I needed to make an appearance for contacts, and, of course, to discuss business.”

I nod as we begin to drive out of the penthouse.

I am a little distracted by thoughts of Charlotte and don't think to make light conversation. Sebastian notices. The car ride is silent but not tense.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” He asks, glancing at me.

“I did,” I tell him. That’s a white lie.

“You look a little er,” he studies me again. “Distracted.”

I manage to smile.

“I just have a lot on my mind.”

“What about?”

I return my gaze to Sebastian, who's wearing a look of worry.

“Did any of the women say something upsetting?”

I shake my head.

“Nothing of the sort.”

The truth is all those women are just different from the kinds of women I usually associate with. I am a teacher. These women live lavish lives.

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