Page 82 of Let Me Be the One

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“Reservation for Lainey,” I say when I turn up to the restaurant.

The waiter smiles after checking me off his list. “Come right this way. Are you waiting for someone?”

I sit down on the chair he pulls out for me. “Thank you. It’s just me tonight.”

If this shocks him, he doesn’t let it show. Instead, he passes me a menu and then lets his gaze linger on my body and face for a moment too long. “Aren’t you too beautiful to be dining by yourself?”

I smile as I feel the blush crawling up my cheeks. “It appears not.”

“I’ll give you a minute,” he says, winking before walking away.

I’m doing a great job of smiling and pretending I’m fine by myself until I have my meal and my glass of wine, at which point I become all too aware of the fact I’m alone with no one to talk to. People are looking at me as if I’m some kind of rare bird that shouldn’t be there. Everyone else is with someone, and I can see a lot of couples.

I feel awkward. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t. The upside of the situation is that sitting by myself gives me a lot of time to listen to other people’s conversations and people-watch. I already know some of what I’ve heard tonight will end up going in my next book.

I’m just finishing my second last fajita when I see someone approaching my table. I know I know him from somewhere, but it takes me a moment to place him. Eventually, I recognise him as the bartender from The Golden Roo.

“Rob. Hi.”

“Hey, Lainey. I thought that was you. Are you here with someone?” he asks, looking around, like my date might have vanished under the table.

“Not tonight. It’s just me.”

“What are you doing here all alone?”

“I felt like Mexican tonight and had no one else to go with.”

He nods, smiling, though he looks kind of puzzled. Then he points to a table over on the other side of the restaurant. “That’s my brother, Duke, over there. He’s in town for a couple of nights and he’s a big fan of Mexican. Perhaps we could join you.”

There’s one empty seat at the table and two brothers. Not an ideal situation. Plus I’ve almost finished my meal.

But more importantly, this night is my date with me. As tempting as it is to invite them to join me, I’m on a mission. This awkward and uncomfortable date with myself is one I’m determined to see out.

“Thanks, but maybe another time. I’m almost finished, and then I’ve got to move quickly because I have a ticket to see the latest romcom at the movies.”

Rob looks disappointed, which is kind of nice. “That’s too bad. Are you going to the movies with that guy who comes to The Golden Roo sometimes? Ben?”

“No. We’re just friends.” I smile.

Forcing the words out of my mouth is tough. I feel like I’m lying, and being unfaithful, but I’ve only said what I’m sure Ben would want me to say.

“Even if we weren’t, Ben would never want to see the movie. Not enough gore, you know.”

Rob’s face splits into a wide grin. “In that case...” His blue eyes lock with mine. “I’ll give you my number, or perhaps you could give me yours? I’d love to take you out some time. I don’t mind the occasional sappy movie.”

“That would be... really cool,” I say, smiling and probably not acting very cool at all as I reach for a pen and a piece of paper in my bag.

There’s a nagging feeling of guilt as we swap numbers, despite the fact I’m not doing anything wrong. The fact is, Ben only wants to keep sleeping with me until I’m over Lucas or ready for something else. I might not be ready for a relationship with someone this second, but I will be one day. And Rob? He’s really kind of cute.

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