Page 38 of Don't Fall for Me

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I wish I had something pithy or flippant to say about him leaving the country. Before we slept together, I might have said that I wouldn't have to put up with two big brothers anymore, or ‘good riddance’, or something like that. Tonight, I've got nothing.

“How long will you be gone?” I ask, despite the fact that his words from yesterday still echo in my mind. “Hell, I might even find a place I love so much that I can't bear to leave it.”

“Ah, I've no idea when I'll be back.”

I honestly can't imagine Dylan not being here, let alone him living somewhere else instead of Melbourne, keeping an eye on me and driving me crazy. So, I'm not even going to try.



“Where do you think you'll go after you leave New Zealand? The States? Or Europe or Asia?” Mum asks Dylan moments after we've sat down to dinner.

“Europe, then Asia. It makes sense to travel through Asia later since it's closer to home.”

Dylan is sitting opposite me and I can hear the enthusiasm in his voice. However, I can't bring myself to look at him or make a comment for fear of sounding like a wet blanket.

Sure, travelling would be fun, but it simply doesn't make sense to spend money on travel when it could be put into real estate instead. Real estate doesn't just provide security, it's an investment. Travelling is frivolous fun that will result in a lack of funds. If Dylan ever does come home, he'll probably have burned through his savings and he'll be starting again from scratch.

Not that his finances are any of my concern. He isn't my boyfriend and he may not even come home.

The thought makes my already poor appetite disappear completely.

“There's some amazing countryside to be seen in the UK,” Mum says.

“I've heard that. I've also heard one shouldn't pass up the opportunity to go to Italy.”

“You have to go to France,” Mum says. “Of course, my favourite place is Tahiti. It's the most incredible place on earth.”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

I push my vegetables around on my plate and try not to look as unhappy as I feel. It's great that Dylan is pursuing his dream, but I can't understand why he wants to leave so badly. Australiaisn't a bad place to live and there are so many wonderful sights to see right here in our homeland. Of course, Dylan has already travelled through most of Australia, so now he wants greener pastures and bigger adventures.

He's not the kind of guy who wants to be contained. He's too restless. Too adventurous. Which is why he's the perfect man to spend time with during the timeout from my list.

“I've always told Claire that she should travel before she buys her first house,” Mum says. “Not that she'll listen to me.”

“I have no desire to travel, Mum.”

“I know, I know. But if you don't do it now, then it won't happen until you retire.”

“Then I won't travel until I'm sixty-five. It's not on my list of priorities.”

“Driving yourself into an early grave clearly makes the list, though.”

I let my fork fall to my plate, the loud clatter communicating my irritation with the current conversation. “You know, I'm not really that hungry.”

“I'm sorry,” Mum says. “I told myself before you got here that I wouldn't say anything, but you know I worry.”

“I'm fine, Mum.”

No matter how different we are, I know my mother loves me. It's why I'm here. Mum is worried I'm not eating enough. I agreed to come to dinner tonight to ease her concerns.

“Just what every mother wants to hear: that her daughter is ‘fine’.”

“Well, I am fine.”

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