Page 37 of Don't Fall for Me

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Throughout my childhood, I felt like I was different from my brother and my parents, and even wondered whether I was adopted on more than one occasion. The fact that I'm the spitting image of my mother, however, made it difficult to believe for any real length of time.

“I thought I heard your car,” she says, “but then it took you so long to come in.”

“Sorry. Kara called.”

Mum closes the front door behind us. “As you've probably guessed, I have company.”

“Bit hard to miss the bike in the drive, Mum.”

“I invited Dylan to stay for dinner. He has some news he wants to share with you, and I convinced him not to drive down to your place when he could stay for dinner and talk to you here. I'm asking the two of you to be on your best behaviour.”

“I'll do my best to behave,” I tell her, absently pulling away so I can wipe my suddenly sweaty palms on my jeans. “Of course, I can't speak for Dylan, since he's such an...enigma.”

Mum studies me, and I pray the comment is close enough to what I'd usually say. I shrug and try to hide my nervous swallow. Thankfully, she releases me and heads for the kitchen.

I follow her, only to come to an abrupt stop as I spot Dylan lounging against the bench in the kitchen. For a moment I stand there dumbly, taking in his big black boots, tattered blue jeans, light blue t-shirt underneath a flannel shirt with the sleeves pushed up. With his arms crossed, I can see the outline of his bulging biceps. He looks big, imposing, and sexy as hell.

My belly quivers as a rush of memories hit me; the kiss he gave me as he brought me to orgasm against the wall outside the bar, his head buried between my thighs so he could bring me more pleasure, and the way he looked into my eyes as he joined us together.

Desire cracks its whip, making my body feel hot and my underwear damp. I draw a breath, but there isn't enough air in the room to stop me from feeling dizzy.

His head is bent, staring at the floor, but as he lifts his eyes to meet mine, Kara's shocking comment races through my head.

“Because I didn't think the first man you'd jump into bed with would be the one you're in love with!”

Right now, I want to kill Kara for even suggesting it. The idea is laughable. Ridiculous. Absolutely outrageous! He is so farfrom Mr Perfect it isn't funny, and I'm far too practical to fall in love with someone who can't give me what I need. Loving Dylan is heartbreak waiting to happen and I want none of it.

“So, I'm an enigma, huh?”

It takes a second for me to remember I referred to him as that a moment ago.

“I could have used a number of other words, but enigma seemed the most...polite at the time.”

Amusement shines in his eyes and his lips twitch. “I'm happy to see you too, Claire.”

“As long as one of us is happy...”

“You don't have to hide behind sarcasm,” he says reproachfully. “I know you missed me.”

I put a hand on my hip. “You know, I never realised you were delusional as well as egotistical, and—”

“All right, all right,” Mum says. “If you two can stop your bickering for a minute, I need help. Claire, I need you to stir the sauce. Dylan, would you mind slicing the sourdough loaf on the counter over there, please?”

Satisfaction curves the corners of my mouth. I'm doing it. I'm standing in Mum's kitchen, taking pot shots at Dylan as if he didn't rock my world last night – as if he wasn't inside me less than 24 hours ago.

Once Mum's back is turned, I watch as Dylan's lips curve into a wry smile before there's a flash of regret in his eyes. Does he regret last night? I quickly turn around and start stirring the sauce, praying he doesn't. Last night was...everything I'd hoped sleeping with Dylan would be. Well, except for the part where he got up and left straight after.

I keep my eyes on the sauce and say as casually as I can, “Mum said you wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah, I wanted to come by and tell you that I finally did it.”

“Did what?”

“I booked my ticket. You know, for my round-the-world trip.”

I look up to remind him that he already told me about it in great detail last night, but he shakes his head ever so slightly, reminding me that I'm not supposed to know yet. As far as Mum knows, I haven't seen Dylan recently.

I clear my throat before speaking. “Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.”

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