Page 91 of Culture Shock

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Jake came seconds later, his own orgasm taking hold while his entire body shuddered.

The air was thick around us, the scent of sex lingering. I leaned up to kiss him gently on the side of his mouth. “You’re rather good at that,” I smiled, leaning back once more, stretching my arms outward.

He sat back on his heels, looking pleased. “You might have told me that before, but to ease my waning memory, don’t stop telling me, ok?” He kissed me quickly before getting up and walking to the bathroom. “Wanna grab some water bottles then join me in the shower?”

I bit my lip. Though I knew the answer, I made him wait for it. But only for a few seconds.

Jake’s warmth surroundedme as we spooned. His breathing had shifted and he was sleeping soundly. I’d come to realize that I was always the last to fall asleep; there was a comforting notion knowing that he was peaceful and though I couldn’t see him in the dark, I knew his expression would be serene.

Shifting against him, soft notes of soap from our earlier shower drifted to my nose, reminding me just how talented Jake was—and not in the professional capacity. I was equal parts annoyed and awed at his abilities.

He had all the wealth in the world and never flaunted it or treated anyone differently because of it. Jake was humble. And I loved that about him.

He had an even, genial way about him that drew everyone around him in. He was the bright light in any dim situation; a beacon of joy. It was simply another thing that I loved.

Jake was also generous. In so many ways. He truly was a good man and though it was obvious from the start, the concept had been foreign to me. Would it be so difficult to be in a solid relationship with someone like him?Absolutely not.

Perhaps the proper question would it be difficult to be in a relationship with me? I’d love to say no, but I knew how I was. I could be a little manic, a little crazy, maybe even flighty. Had those things steered Jake away, though? No. He was attracted to me and all my blundering traits. And again, I loved how he accepted me. How he loved me for who I was.

I had been floating in my subconscious with thoughts swirling around like a gentle breeze. Beside me, Jake snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

It was almost inaudible against the whir of the AC, but it was clear. “…Luce.” It was murmured on a sigh before Jake returned to his deep, even breaths.

Smiling to myself, I knew that sleeping next to Jake forever would be the easiest thing in the world.

But my smile faltered at the jarring admission. What was I saying? What did that mean? The lazy breeze that had carried my thoughts quickly turned into gale-force winds inside my head.

My skin suddenly felt clammy against Jake’s and my eyes were desperately trying to adjust to the dark; I was wide awake now.

Not wanting to disturb him, I slipped out from under Jake’s arm—which felt like it was a lump of lead—and I quietly got dressed.

The bedroom door made a softclickbehind me and finding my sandals, I tip toed out into the hallway, thankful for the dim lighting. Jake’s room was on the top floor and periodically there were domed skylights along the ceiling.

Rain could be heard pelting against the glass, growing stronger with each step I took. A flash of lightning confirmed a summer storm was in full swing. If it weren’t for my untethered feeling, I’d have found it mesmerizing. But the bolts across the sky and the low rumble of thunder made me uneasy; it mirrored the storm in my mind that had hit me without warning.

I wandered aimlessly; it couldn’t have been too late when every other door had light spilling out from the jamb or the peep hole.

Rounding a corner, a door opened and the occupant stuck their leg out, holding it while they finished their conversation with whomever was inside.

Thinking nothing of it, I continued my meandering but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Jake’s name. And I knew who was speaking.

“…Jake doesn’t stand a chance…”

I could hear mumbling from inside. And then the response. “Look, E, all I’m saying is that if Jakeywillinglycleaned up her vomit, the dude has fallen. He’s in love with Lucy.” He shifted, holding a bucket. “Be right back with the ice.”

Like a cat with its hackles up, a shiver ran down my spine, spreading goosebumps across my skin instantaneously. I found it ironic that while I was freezing, a balmy, thick heat taunted me from the other side of the rain-soaked glass above.

Saliva began to pool in the back of my throat just under my tongue. I swallowed, hoping it would ease the awful sensation of my stomach hurling itself out of my body from a shock like a rollercoaster drop. I’d had enough puking recently.

Despite my instinct to flee, I was rendered incapacitated. Stuck in place. A victim in my own body. Mute.

He’s in love with Lucy.

…in love with Lucy.

The words echoed in my head, like a pinball strapped to a roman candle. Love wasn’t in the cards for me. It couldn’t be. Not after what happened to my parents.

They were desperately in love with each other. Until they weren’t. Divorcing and leaving us on our own was something that forever changed my life. At least I was lucky enough to have someone like E to be there and guide me, but it was something she should never have had to do. E had barely started college and I knew having to raise a seventeen-year-old kid sister put a major damper on her social plans.

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