Page 83 of Culture Shock

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Jake managed to wash my hair, gingerly using the pads of his fingertips to work the shampoo into a lather. By the time I had been sufficiently cleaned, I had just settled against him, slightly on my side. His heartbeat was a strong, steady rhythm under my ear and I finally felt relaxed.

“We should probably get out, now. The water is getting cool.” He reached over and grabbed a fluffy towel and began to dry me.

But when I stood, I got my first look at myself in the mirror. “Oh my god!” I cried. “I’m green! Like, my skin actually has a nasty green tinge to it. What the…I look like shit…” Sunken cavities showed under my eyes with what looked like red dots scattered around them.

He must’ve seen the concern painted on my face.

“It looks like you broke some blood vessels while you were…you know.”

Well, I’d never done that before. While I examined myself, Jake had gotten dressed and disappeared before coming back for me. He had found a pair of my underwear and a shirt, helping me into them before getting me into bed.


“Yeah. Thank you, Jake.” I wanted to say more, but didn’t trust myself. Now that I was in bed, the down comforter cocooning me in, I could feel myself dizzyingly close to sleep. Tears were also threatening to fall again, and I was already a hot mess. No need to add to it.

Apparently, I had drifted off for a bit because I felt Jake’s reassuring hand on my upper arm. “Hey, I hate to wake you, but you have a visitor.”

That was something I didn’t want to hear. I was in no state to chat someone up or pretend to entertain them. But the person in question shyly poked their head around the corner.

“Hello Lucy. I’m Dr. Phillips.” He came closer, Jake moving away to give him access to me. “How are you feeling?”

“I’ve been better,” I clipped. To his credit, he wore a mask of indifference, surely hearing much worse before. “Sorry, I’m a little edgy…” I amended.

“Understandable,” he murmured, kneading my lymph nodes. “I’m going to take your temp and ask you a few questions, alright?”

“’Kay,” I piped up, not having it in me to argue one way or the other.

After determining that I was indeed dehydrated, he administered an IV drip and gave me anti-nausea medication.

“I’ll be back to check on you, Lucy, but if you can, just rest. You should be back to yourself in no time,” Dr. Phillips promised.

We thanked him in unison and I settled back into the pillows.

I leveled Jake with a look that I hoped was serious. “Jake I can’t affo—” I began.

“Lucy. Don’t.” Shit, he called me Lucy, showing his own brand of seriousness. “It’s taken care of, and the way you were looking, it would’ve been difficult to get you to an urgent care.” Jake sat on the edge of the bed and tucked my hair behind my ear. “You’re feeling better since he gave you the anti-nausea meds, yeah?”

I nodded again, obviously feeling somewhat better if I was trying to figure out a way to pay him back for this doctor who did personal house calls.

“I’m going to take a nap, ok?”

“Do you need anything?”

Just my dignity back, I thought. “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

He gave me a half smile and settled himself in one of the chairs. I remember him typing something on his phone, a slight crease in his forehead as he did.

My stomach had settled.

I was warm and comfortable.

My eyelids felt like lead.

I let them fall. And I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 27

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