Page 82 of Culture Shock

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Her eyes grew wide but the three of them left, softly closing the bathroom door behind them.

Soft chatter drifted to me here and there like parts of a song when the volume fluctuated. I couldn’t make out words, but it was evident that E was not getting her way. The door shut with a thud and then Jake was at my side again.

I hadn’t heard him come in at all. “Ninja,” I accused. “Where did you come from?” God, I must have been completely out of it.

A soft chuckle escaped him. “I hope you don’t mind, but I informed E thatIwould be staying with you. She and Liam are flying out this afternoon.”

I managed a smile. Heinformedher…did I finally find someone that could go toe-to-toe with her? “Thanks for sending Mother Hen away. But,” I ground out, attempting to prop myself up on my elbows and failing miserably, “I don’t need you to stay.” My head was cushioned by the towels as my body gave up the miniscule effort.

“You don’t, do you?” A dark brow rose in question.

I did take the washcloth and cover my eyes with it in disgust. “I’m gross.”

And then it all hit me. The shear exhaustion of being ill for almost eighteen hours. The spent energy. The achy muscles in my sides, back, and stomach. The thought of what would happen if I wasn’t able to keep even water down…my lack of medical insurance.

Tears filled my eyes and I was unable to stop them. And I was mad. I started shaking my head, trying to take a deep breath.

“It’s ok, Luce…no need to be ashamed.”

“I’m not. I’m pissed that I’m crying. I can’t afford to lose any more bodily fluids!” And then sobs racked me, causing every aching muscle to jump to life, reminding me that this utterly sucked. Itsucked assto be exact.

At some point, Jake had planted himself on the floor next to me. He shifted and pulled his phone from his pocket. Like E, he began to tap something on the screen, finished and placed it on the counter with his long reach.

“What are you doing?” I criticized when I heard him turn on the bath water.

“You’ll feel a lot better after a bath, alright?”

Could I argue with him? Did I even want to?

The hotel had provided salts and bubble bath, but Jake had the foresight not to use them. The scents would probably make my stomach roll and if I had a choice in any of this, Idid notwant to puke in front of him.

“I’m going to sit you up, you good with that?” His voice was so gentle.

I nodded. Slowly and chastely, he began to undress me, piece by piece. The tub was almost full with faint tendrils of steam rising from it.

Then Jake began to undress. I didn’t question him, knowing he would not be expecting anything from me, let alone want to. At least while I had bits of food on my face.

He stepped into the tub and then held his hands out to me. I took them and when I began to faulter over the edge of the basin, he scooped me up in his arms.

And then I was lying back against his chest, the heat of his body and the water enveloping me like a hug. Ever so slowly, my muscles began to ease up.

Suddenly, I giggled.

“What’s funny?” Jake whispered calmly. He had taken the soap and began to wash my arms.

“Nothing really…I just can’t imagine E taking care of melike this.” I snort laughed.

Though his voice remained even and calm, I heard the smile in it nonetheless. “I’m afraid she’s not very happy with me,” he confessed.

“Whatever. Bossy Pants will get over it,” I dismissed. “Mmmm, that feels so nice.” Jake was massaging my shoulders and I could have literally melted in place.

“Good.” He placed a kiss at my temple. “I wish you would’ve called or texted me earlier. It kills me knowing you were alone like this for so long.”

I ran my finger up and down his propped-up leg, up the knobby bone of his knee and back down.

“I don’t even know where my phone is,” I responded. “Clearly, I had other priorities. Like making my bed of towels.” My head lolled to the side, indicating my handiwork.

“It’s quite impressive, actually,” he praised.

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