Page 32 of Culture Shock

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“Oh, heeeeey E!” he shouted. “You two coming or what?”

The purse that was so adroitly tucked under her arm disappeared as she crossed them defensively.

I still had no idea what he had planned, but the thought of spending more time with Lucy was something that gave me newfound energy.

“What do you say, ladies?” I coaxed. I began walking outside so we weren’t forced to shout to Liam from a distance. He created enough of a scene on his own; we didn’t need to add to it.

Lucy seemed excited, definitely being the more spontaneous of the two, while her sister still wore a scowl.

“Where are you guys going?” Lucy inquired, her eyes dancing with anticipation.

“That, my friend is a secret. But—” Liam pressed when the two women rolled their eyes in unison like only siblings could, “I promise it’s rad.”

I heard her sister mutter something about Liam not acting his age and how it was one of the many reasons she dumped him. Wasshethe ex that Liam had mentioned a few nights ago?

“I’ll go,” Lucy exclaimed, which earned her a death glare from her sibling. “I’m game for whatever.”

“Sweet!” Liam whooped.

“Luce—” her sister began to protest. Her eyes looked between Liam and Lucy like a metronome. “I was planning on napping…”

“No you weren’t. You suck at naps; plus, you just said you got a second wind after dinner.” Lucy was quick with shutting her down. And she knew it too. Lucy wore a mischievous smile, challenging her sister to say otherwise.

“Oooh,” her sister seethed. “I can’t let you go alone with thesemen.”

I found her excuse rather weak. And funny. I winked at Liam after helping Lucy inside.

Liam peeled out of the lot, heading due west for God knew what.

“Jake, this is my sister, E,” Lucy introduced. I turned from my seat in the front to say hello to her.

“Why do I feel like I’m stuck in an Uber from hell?” E whined in the back. “Hi Jake,” she clipped, realizing she had committed a social blunder.

Liam gave me a sidelong glance and pointed to a bag sitting on the floor by my feet. Reaching inside, he took out part of the contents and tossed it towards the backseat.

“Head’s up!” he called.

Lucy caught a baggie, but E didn’t.

“Peach rings? My favorite!” Lucy tore into the bag like Gollum going after his precious. It was utterly adorable.

“Eat up, cupcake,” Liam said to E. “I paid good money for those snacks and you’ll need the sugar boost for what we’re going to do.”

E responded with a snarky, “I hardly need sugar to aid me in doing this.” She reached over the headrest and smacked his head.

“Oh my god, E, stop. He bought us candy,” she said around a mouthful of the treats. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” And then, as an afterthought, she eyed E’s bag sitting on the floor and wondered, “Can I have yours?”

E responded with apfftnoise.

“Hand them over then, peasant,” Lucy demanded.

In my peripheral, I could see Lucy shifting in her seat. At first, I thought she might have been uncomfortable, but at second glance I could see she was completely content. She gently rocked from side to side, enjoying the treats.

The drive didn’t take long, and before E could throw any more shade at Liam, he had pulled off the road and parked in a small, barely lit lot.

“A trailhead?” I asked. “Where are we?”

“Really?” E admonished. “A dark parking lot? Is this how you’re planning on killing us all?”

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