Page 31 of Culture Shock

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Liam:Yo. Meet me out front in 10

Coming from Liam, that text held a multitude of meanings. Deciding I’d rather chance anything random with him tonight than stay couped up in my room, I shook my head and replied.

Jake:Should I be scared?


Liam:Take your tampon out and trust your friend

That earned a laugh from me. He could be such a dick, but it was hard to ever be mad at him.

You know when you have a puppy and their face is adorable and sweet and innocent? But ten seconds later they take a giant shit in your house only to follow it up with their adorable, sweet and innocent face? That was Liam to a T. He was a dopey, cute puppy that pushed the limits because he knew his charming mug could get him out of any situation.

After a while, I just learned to go with it. He was fun and knew how to have a good time. Liam was also as harmless as the poop depositing puppy. His main goal in life was live it to the fullest and have a damn good time doing it.

Stopping off at my room to grab a black baseball cap, I walked down the hall, hanging a left towards the lobby.

Being after nine, I was confident that my lame incognito hat would suffice if I ran into anyone. I was tired, but also human and just wanted a minute—or ten—to breathe.

Rounding the corner, I was surprised when I saw Lucy and her sister walking inside.

My stomach summersaulted; it was the same sensation you’d experience after taking a sudden fall on a rollercoaster. Clearing my throat, I silently willed my stomach to chill out.

“Oh, hi Jake,” Lucy greeted, a warm smile on her face.

“Is my disguise that awful?” I hushed, a little annoyed that her simple hello was enough to justify that it was.

Her sister’s mouth curled up at the corner.

Lucy gave me a skeptical look that created tiny creases across the bridge of her nose. “Jake, it’s a hat. Anyone with eyes can tell it’s you.”

I was glad of the overhead lights and the shadow created from the brim; my cheeks felt warm from her words.

“I guess you’re right,” I agreed, attempting to pull the cap down a little further. “What are you two up to?” Changing the subject seemed like a good alternative. I also had wanted to ask her to hang out tonight, but the day had gotten away from me. Note to self: get her number.

“We had dinner kind of late,” her sister informed me.

“And it was such a nice night, we decided to walk back,” Lucy added.

“It is a nice night, isn’t it?” I parroted.

Lucy dipped her head in agreement but left out theobviously, because I just said that…part.

“So…where are you going so discreetly dressed,” Lucy inquired, whispering the latter, mimicking me.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I answered with a dubious, “I don’t really know.”

“So, you’re just wandering around, then?” her sister surmised, tucking her purse under her arm snugly. Her tone could’ve easily been snarky, but she was more curious than anything.

“No, what I mean to say is that I’m meeting Liam out front any second now, and I don’t know where we’re going.” There was a small hole in the corner of my jeans pocket and I found myself distracted with it as I answered.

“Sounds fun,” Lucy beamed. Though I knew she had worked all day as well, her eyes were clear and sparkled under the lobby lights.

Tires screeching under the carport echoed off the lobby’s marble floor, causing us all to turn in the direction of the noise.

The passenger window of a black SUV rolled down. Liam was in the driver’s seat and yelled, “Get in loser!”

Both women were suppressing giggles at Liam’s raucous command. Turning to look at him, I could see him concocting a revision to his plans.

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