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“Why? Because there were other women?”

I shake my head emphatically. “No. Only you.”

She stares at me for a moment, then shakes her head in irritation. “Is this about that stupid news article?”

I’m sure the shock on my face is making me look ridiculous, but I don’t even care. “You read it?”

“Of course I read it. Natalia sent it to me the moment it was published. Along with at least half a dozen other mean girls from high school.” She rolls her eyes, and I can’t help the way my lips fight to smile. “I didn’t care about what it said, Bryce. About me, about us. I didn’t care.”

She shakes her head, the hurt and disappointment embedded in her body language has my blooming smile falling again. “None of that mattered. All that mattered was us, you. What you thought of me. You made me feel special, then you-”

She cuts herself off, probably because she realized that her voice was beginning to rise, and we’re still at the party.

Without giving it too much thought, not wanting to risk her rejecting me, I step forward, putting us toe-to-toe. I wrap my arm around her waist and tug her closer.

“I was stupid.”

“Yeah, you were.” There’s still a bite in her tone, but the added breathiness to her voice has my confidence growing.

“I should have told you the truth.” She nods. “I should have gone after you, even after you got on the elevator.” Another nod.

Someone bumps into my back, pushing me harder against Morgan. As much as I love the closeness, this isn’t exactly the setting I would prefer for what I’m hoping is our reconciliation.

“Can we talk? Privately?”

She glances around the party, her eyes flitting over the crowd. I wait with bated breath as I watch different thoughts and emotions shadow across her face.

Finally, she looks me in the eyes and gives me a sharp nod. With no further hesitation, I step back and grab her hand, and with hurried steps I guide her away from the party toward my apartment.

One Year Ago…

“Bryce, Natalia called again.”I don’t bother smothering my frustrated groan when I step out of my office and am greeted by Pat’s words. Judging by the bite in her tone, it’s safe to assume that Natalia was just as pleasant as she always is. Which is not at all.

I don’t have very many regrets in life, but out of the few that I do have, Natalia is definitely one of them. She and I dated for a very brief stint a few months ago when I was still trying to deny my feelings for Morgan. Maybe deny isn’t the right word, I was just afraid to admit them, because if anyone has the power to hurt me, it’s Morgan. After three whole dates with Natalia, I realized that being with Morgan and risking getting my heartbroken, was a much better option. Of course, Natalia is the type of woman who has never been dumped in her life, so she hasn’t exactly been taking it well. She usually calls my office at least three times a day, her text messages arrive pretty much on the hour, and she’s even shown up here and at my apartment a few times since I told her we were over. I’ve already begun looking for a new place to live because I just can’t deal with it anymore. Not to mention I plan to ask Morgan to move in with me tonight, and I really don’t think she would appreciate having another woman showing up at all hours of the night.

“What did you tell her?”

“That you were busy.” Pat shrugs her shoulders, then a sneaky smirk starts to pull at her lips. “I may have insinuated that your girlfriend was here, if you get my drift.”

I bark out a loud laugh, because if anything send Natalia over the edge, it’s going to be thinking that I was having sex with Morgan in my office. Especially since Natalia has tried to convince me to do that with her more than once. We never had sex at all, let alone in my office.

“You get a raise.” Pat smirks at me, and a wave of warmth rolls through me. Pat has been like a grandmother figure to me for years. She went to school with my grandpa and began working for him when he first began expanding the company. Pat was one of the only people who believed in Grandpa’s vision and stood by him as he built his empire.

“You heading out for the night?” Pat gives me a wink when she asks, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at her.

“Yep. Morgan is coming over when she closes the store.”

“Are you asking her tonight?” I don’t give her a verbal confirmation, only smiling which very clearly shows my answer. Pat’s the only person I told when I decided to ask Morgan to move in with me. And the only reason I did that was because she wouldn’t stop asking questions about why I was meeting with a realtor.

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.”Though I really hope I don’t need it.

I glanceat the time just as I’m pulling up in front of my apartment building. I have a little less than an hour before Morgan will be here, which is just enough time for me to get everything ready then take a quick shower.

I rush through getting everything set up. I’ve never been what I would consider romantic, but if anyone deserves it from me, it’s Morgan. So I haul the flowers Pat picked up for me earlier into my apartment and set up the candles I keep in the hall closet. It may not be anything over-the-top, but it’s perfect for my woman. Morgan isn’t the type to want some flashy, insane declaration. Some flowers, candlelight, and soft music is right up her alley.

Once I’m satisfied with the way everything looks, I make sure the door’s unlocked. Morgan has a key, but it’s like she refuses to use it. She always knocks when she comes over, so I’ve started just leaving the door unlocked so she can walk right in.

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