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I jump in the shower and hurry through my routine, adding a little extra time in the manscaping department. If this all goes the way I hope it will, I want to make sure everything is presentable.

Just as I’m finishing up, I hear the front door open and my heart rate picks up a few notches. I shut off the water and wrap a towel around my waist, not bothering to get dressed yet. I don’t want to leave Morgan alone too long wondering what’s going on.

But the second I step out into the living room, both irritation and anger hits me like a damn freight train. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Natalia turns on her heels from where she was scrutinizing the items I have laid out on the kitchen table. The way her eyes roam over me with hunger has me squirming uncomfortably. I never actually liked Natalia. But when I was trying to deny my true feelings for Morgan, she was always just around. So it made it easy to use her in my attempts. Was it messed up? Yes. But Natalia isn’t exactly what most would consider a good person, so I don’t actually feel bad about it.

“I came to see you, of course.” It’s actually kind of disturbing how casual she sounds right now. Like I should have totally been expecting her.

“You need to leave. Right now.” I glance at the time on my oven and I realize that Morgan is going to be here any second. The last thing I need, tonight of all nights, is for her to walk in on Natalia, her high school bully, in my fucking living room.

“Why would I do that?” My irritation grows even more, because I know she’s doing this shit on purpose.

“Seriously, Natalia. I don’t even know why you’re here. You know damn well I’m with Morgan now.” She scoffs, like me being with Morgan, or someone else at all, is just a giant joke.

“You made your point, Bryce.”

“What point is that exactly?”

“I know you’ve only been using Morgan to try and make me jealous. If I admit I’m jealous, can we just stop this game?” I can’t decide if I should laugh or scream at her complete lack of self-awareness. I open my mouth to respond, to tell her that she’s completely cracked, but before I get the chance, she launches herself at me. She throws her arms around my neck and leans in to kiss me. Of course, it’s that very moment, the worst possible moment in the entire fucking world, that Morgan walks in.

The shock and pain that immediately morphs her features breaks my heart right then and there. Without a single word, she turns and runs out of my apartment. I give no thought to the fact that I’m only in a towel when I try to run after her, but she’s determined and that seems to make her steps even faster. I call out to her, begging her to stop, but she doesn't slow down. Apparently someone really hates me, because even when she calls for the elevator it opens immediately and I get to them right as the doors close, successfully keeping me away from her.


I rush back to my apartment, and my anger meter shoots to a million when I find Natalia leaning against my table with a wicked smirk on her face.

“Well, that was unfortunate.”

I glare at her, but otherwise ignore her as I rush to my bedroom and pull out some underwear, a t-shirt, and sweats from my drawers. I quickly get dressed and unfortunately when I get back to the living room, Natalia is still here.

“Why the fuck are you still here?”

She doesn’t answer, which doesn’t surprise me. Natalia is just delusional enough to think that I actually want her here. I turn my back to her, finding my shoes and rushing to put them on. My mind is already running through the possibilities of where Morgan went. I doubt she went home, she’s smarter than that. If she doesn’t want me to find her, she’ll go somewhere else. I’m already working up the plea I know I’ll have to give my sister when I show up at her door, when Natalia’s obnoxious, pretentious voice breaks in.

“I never thought you to be cruel.”

I spin on her, officially sick of her bullshit. “I’m cruel? You’re the one who showed up here like this when you know damn well I’m with Morgan now!”

“The fact that you’re willing to subject her to this kind of scrutiny-” Her words break off as she shakes her head and pulls her phone out. She opens something on it, then shoves it in my face. What I see in front of me, everything I’m reading has my veins turning to ice. I only skim over the words, but it’s enough to have bile rising in my throat.

Bryce Richardson datingoverweight store owner.

Bryce Richardson trades down from Natalia Smith.

Bryce Richardson dating beneath him.

The different headlineshave my stomach swooping and my heart breaking in my chest. I really hope Morgan hasn’t seen these. Fuck, what would she think? She’s the most beautiful woman in the world, and these fuckers can’t seem to see that fact. The things that are written are just plain sick and cruel.

“She’s not cut out for this life, Bryce.” Natalia’s statement has been flinching, but I know she’s right. Morgan is too sweet for this bullshit. These stories are only the tip of the iceberg. It’s clear that they don’t know who she is. If we stay together, it’ll only be a matter of time before they all figure it out. Once they do, nothing will be safe. Not Morgan, not her store, not our relationship. We’ll live in the spotlight of public scrutiny and that’s just not fair to her.

I turn back and glare at Natalia, practically throwing her phone back at her. “Get out. Now.”

Maybe it’s the clear anger in my voice, or the fact that she obviously accomplished what she came here to do. But surprisingly Natalia doesn’t argue again and leaves my apartment in silence. My mind is spinning with everything and as much as I want to go after Morgan, as much as I feel the need to go after her, I know I can’t. There’s not a single doubt in my mind that Morgan is the love of my life. Which is exactly why I need to let her go. I may not be in headlines that often, but people care just enough to keep me relevant. I’m not a famous celebrity or anything like that, but I’m rich. And unfortunately in today’s world, that’s all people give a shit about.

I stumble to the couch, hating the aching pain that just keeps growing in my chest. Letting Morgan go is the last thing I want to do. But I love her enough to know that it’s exactly what Ineedto do.Fuck, this hurts.


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