Page 40 of Forsaken

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So I do. I tell him the entire plan.

Chapter 20


It’s my birthday.

Am I excited? No.

Is Amy excited? As hell.

She woke me up at 6am, telling me I needed to start getting ready so I could look like a princess all day.

She then proceeded to wash my hair, sleek it into a top knot ponytail, put way too much makeup on my face, and drown me in her most expensive perfume.

Don’t get me wrong, I look and feel amazing, but I could’ve used the extra sleep.

Canon and I stayed up late watching movies and cuddling all night. That was our first night really enjoying each other's company without the extra stuff and it was…nice.

Special even.

I’m reminiscing on how my body felt right tucked under him when I’m abruptly pulled back to reality, literally. Amy is yanking on my arm, practically dragging me down the street.

“I can’t believe you let me walk 5 blocks talking my head off before I realized you weren’t next to me.” She sounds annoyed.

“Sorry, had to take a breather. My feet are killing me.”

“That’s the price you pay to look amazing.” She flashes me a smile.

She’s been dragging me around all day, taking me from boutique to boutique, forcing me to try on different outfits and jewelry. She says her birthday present to me is a wardrobe makeover because she’s getting tired of seeing me wear the same clothes in the same colors.

“You hungry? I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.” She demands, dragging me harder.

“Um, okay…” it seems like she’s stressing out about something, seeing as she’s about to chew her lower lip off. “You okay Ames?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m perfect. Perfect as ever!” She sing-songs. We’re about to cross the road when an all-black Audi R8 pulls up in front of us. The pitch-black tinted window on the driver’s side rolls down to reveal the only person I know with this car.

“Demi,” Connor nods towards me.

“Connor? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Ouch. Are we not friends anymore?” He smirks at the death glare I give him. “I came to say happy birthday.”

“You drove all the way here in your favorite car to tell me that?” I cross my arms. He usually only casually rides around with his green Lambo truck.

“Yea, and to ask if you’d like to grab a celebratory lunch with me?”

This wasn’t like the new Connor, but I bury the suspicion.

“Actually, I was about to eat with Am—“ I start to point towards her, but I realize she’s nowhere to be found.

I look back towards Connor confused and he just smiles awkwardly at me.

“Where did she go?”

“Where did who go?”

“Don’t bullshit me, Connor.” I say getting irritated. This day is just a huge confusing mess.

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