Page 41 of Forsaken

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“Oh, you mean Amy? She had an emergency to attend to. Get in, Demetria.”

I roll my eyes and do as he says, my legs and feet thanking me for granting them relief.

Once I’m buckled in, Connor eases his way into traffic, flexing his fingers on his steering wheel.

I’m starting to get the feeling that I’m about to be driven to a surprise party or something. Just as I’m about to ask, my phone rings.

I look at the caller ID and instantly get emotional.

“Hey mom,” I say, clearing my throat.

Two voices sing happy birthday, off-key if I might add, through the phone, causing my heart to warm.

“Thanks guys.” I choke out, trying to hide the tears from Connor.

“Of course, baby. You know we love and miss you! We wish we could’ve made it back home in time for your birthday, but the animals need us here.” My mom says warmly.

“I hope you’re making smart choices over there kiddo.” My dad chimes in.

“Always, and I love you guys too.” I don’t address the coming home comment because I selfishly need them more than the animals.

“We don’t have the best connection here, but we’re going to call you later to talk, okay? Have fun honey!”

Before I have the chance to respond, they hang up, leaving the car even more silent than it was before. I quietly wipe the tears that have slipped from my eyes, hoping Connor didn’t notice.

“Look, Dem. I’m sorry for being such a dick these past few years.” My ears quirk up at his words. “I’ve been going through so much and started taking it out on the world. I couldn’t trust anyone or anything but —-“

His words stop abruptly before he flexes his hands again.

“I’m just sorry, okay?”

I tap my chin, pretending to think long and hard.

“I accept your apology.” Connor and I used to be as close me and Amy, but something changed. “As long as you tell me what’s been going on with you. You can still talk to me about anything, Con. Judgement free zone over here.” I point to myself.

He looks over at me and smiles. “We can talk later.”

Just then, the car gets rammed hard from behind.

“What the fuck?” Connor says, looking in the rear-view mirror, “you okay?”

I’m about to nod when we get rammed again, but even harder.

Connor’s car spins out of control and all I can think about is how I’m grateful nobody is on the street right now. We collide with a traffic light pole, and my head hits the side window with a loud thud.

My ears are ringing, and the world seems to be spinning, but I still try to see if Connor is okay.

I look over and notice his head slumped against the back of the seat, blood trickling down his face from somewhere on his head.

Just as I start to hear the crunch of feet walking on broken glass, my vision goes black.

Chapter 21


I’m nervous.

It’s not every day that I’m planning shit like this, so I’m hoping everything goes perfectly.

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