Page 39 of Forsaken

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“So, what’s Kane like?” Mason asks from the phone. We haven’t talked in a while because he’s been so busy with school, so I was surprised when I got this FaceTime call from him.

“Kane is…all about business. He seems like he wants to be all about family but it’s not working out.” I answer truthfully.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, ironically, my siblings feel neglected by our dear old father. They think he puts work over them.”

“Damn,” Mason says, “how has it been between you and him?”

“He’s been trying hard to play catch up. He’ll invite me out to places in his free time and take me to races and shit. It’s cool I guess.”

Mason gives me a look before rolling his eyes.

“So, is it going in a good direction or…?”

“I guess. Enough about me, how’s school going?” I ask him, ready to change the subject.

“School is school,” he replies while letting out a slow breath.

“Now who’s being vague,” I joke.

“I mean there’s not much to say. I eat, go to class, come back, work, eat, sleep. No time for much else.”

“You don’t hang out with people? No friends or…a female keeping you company?”

He snorts, “like I said. No time for anything else.”

Something tells me he’s lying, but I’ll table it for another day.

“Doyouhave a female friend keeping you company?” Mason flips the attention back on me.

Now’s as good a time as any to tell him about Demi. I get a flashback from that first night I shared with her, and a shutter courses through me.

It’s now routine for us to meet up at the shed every night to “watch a movie”. Amy knows what’s going on and says she approves, as if she really had any say. I think Connor can tell what’s up, but I haven’t really spoken to him since I saved him from getting jumped. There’s no hostility there anymore though, so he’s less annoying now.

“Something like that,” I respond to Mason with a smile.

“Holy shit, forreal? And you’re blushing? Never thought I’d see the day.”

“You and I both. She’s cool as fuck though, and we relate on certain levels.”

“Who is she?” He leans forward as if I’m about to spill a dirty secret.

“Her name is Demi, and she happens to be Amy’s best friend.”

His eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. “The girl staying there? In my head I felt like something would happen between you two, but I thought I was crazy.”

“Not crazy lil’ bro. Just intuitive.” I smirk.

“What’s the plan with that? Are you guys just friends having fun? are you looking for something more? What is it?”

“Easy with all the questions Dr. Phil, but I’m looking for more. Hopefully she is too.”

“Okay, last question. You making it official or hiding it from the world?” He gives me a stern look, telling me I better give the right answer.

“I have something up my sleeve. Her birthday is next week so I’m planning a surprise.”

“Ooo, tell me more!” He squeals, mimicking an excited teen girl.

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