Page 47 of Monsters Before Men

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At least, his brain was slow—his cock, not so much.

Gazing at his limp little wife sent another wave of urgent desire through him, and soon he was cradling her to him and easing himself into her wet and ready cunt. Her walls fluttered against him, and she gave a feeble protest that melted into sultry moans when he cupped between her legs and teased her swollen clit. He would make her come, feel her convulse on his shaft again and again… then tuck her into bed and hold her through the night. In the morning, he’d make her tea for her sore throat. Once she’d recovered, he’d be her soundboard as she talked through the plans and complications of her database project. He’d take her again the next night, of course. His need for her was insatiable, and he was only ever able to withdraw from her because he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. He’d have her every day and night forever, never tiring.

They rushed into marriage. No talk of feelings or weight on the decision made to keep her safe, in case their unsanctioned relationship was discovered. Day by day, it became clear that there was more between them than sex and practicality. Their relationship wasn’t one of convenience or compromise, but of love.


Like most demons, Drastos was skeptical of it at first. Yet it turned out to be the ultimate aphrodisiac.

About Godiva Glen

Godiva Glenn is a nocturnal being, much like vampires and cats. She holds a B.A. in Literature, which more or less means she has spent more hours reading and writing than she would ever care to admit to. Luckily, all that knowledge comes in handy for her creative pursuits.

Most of her recent writing endeavors circle around the paranormal/supernatural. Wolves are her preferred sexy shifters, but who knows what the future holds.

She resides in the U.S. with dreams of traveling abroad to research locations.

Browse her other books here:


Monster Mouthfuls Book 2


Cass Alex

Chapter 1


Our craft finally landed at the UGP outpost 7*KUr! I did a celebratory dance the moment I unfastened my seatbelt and stood up.

I'm fresh out of graduation and this is officially my first job as a Species Specialist trainee. With all the new outposts the UGP are settling on, they ran short on people in my field. Can you imagine? All these new species, and no one to come learn about them. It's a travesty!

The UGP reps were literally standing outside the Species Specialist classrooms trying to recruit. For real — I tripped over one guy coming out of Galactic Ethics and Responsibilities class and smacked into a wall.

Of course, all this 'settling bases' talk is just a fancy term for 'invading.' I'm going to call it as I see it, and hope the other species don't hate me on sight.

In the meantime, I'm so ready for this mission! According to my paperwork, I'm to report to Dayzee Martin and check-in with CDR Firken. I really hope these people are nice; I don't know a single soul here and it could get lonely if I don't make some friends.

I was in line to retrieve my bags when I realized... it was a little hotter than I expected. I mean, they didn't specify how hot it would be, but this felt excessive. Even as I used my official paperwork to fan myself, I was already half-sunburnt. I was gonna need more hats.

What planet did they say this was, and how close to hell was it exactly??

Could you get heatstroke in under three minutes? I'd been standing in line for ten minutes and was ready to fry where I stood. My water bottle was bone dry and yes, I tried to lick the inside for droplets.

Hypothetically speaking, if someone dies while waiting in line, will the UGP send their dried-up husk home to their foster-sister or just leave their carcass to serve as a warning to others?

Asking for a friend.

Chapter 2


Another shiny container of noise came from the sky today. I yelled at it, but it still landed.

Why did they put their container-landing so close to our rock-open? The sounds the containers make upsets my tribe. They echo inside our tall ears, making our heads ache. Our tails flail in agitation, but they do not stop. Do they not care at all aboutothers?

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